Wednesday 15 May 2013

What come May...

Ahh.. can't believe that we're in May already.. let alone MIDDLE of May.. So many things has been happening in May.. Firstly..
  1. Month of Birthdays!

    There's already 3 birthdays in my family (Mum, John and Jo), not to mention Mother's Day AND my parent's wedding anniversary.  This year is a big year birthday for my mum and we celebrated in Tom's where we had canapes, champagne, wine, salad, beef ribs/lamb chop/chicken and dessert of chocolate cake from Four Points.  It was an awesome night, with about 38 guests in all.. Happy Birthday Mummy!

    John's birthday was also held in Tom's, where it was themed CAVEMAN (mainly because half the guests invited were on caveman diet!).. that was really fun.. all the girls showed up in animal print dresses (I got mine off Ebay for RM59 INCL free shipping!) and I decided, in a moment in ingenuity.. to go all Pebbles Flintstone and incorporated a bone into my ponytail.. that was an instant hit! haha We had steak, prime rib, salad, soup.. all paleo food.  That was another fun night, with alcohol of choice being Sake.. in all, we cleared 9.. yes 9.. MAGNUM bottles of champagne, with approximately 38 guests as well.

    Jo's birthday was more low key.. we just had mee sua (longevity noodles) in the morning.. I think she'll be having a party this Saturday, but I'm not sure.. I even bought her 10 pieces of steak from Singapore for her celebration!
  2. Blackberry Q10 is out!

    I have been eying the new Blackberry Q10 ever since there was a rumor that one was coming out.  When the Z10 got released, I got more excited because that meant that the Q10 would be coming out soon.. the difference?  Z10 doesn't have the QWERTY keypad which I wanted.. and guess what.. the Q10 just got released yesterday!  I can't wait to get my hands on it.  Will update with more pictures when I get the phone.. but here's a sneak peak on the phone.  Isn't it gorgeous?
  3. Singapore Trip

    I made a trip to Singapore at the beginning of the month to catch up with my psychologist and psychiatrist.. good news is that I'm doing so much better that they can't decide when is the next time that they want to see me!  Which is awesome.. then again, I do know that I'm doing much better myself :)  It's true.. working out does make you happier!  Had a huge shopping spree in Singapore as well.. first off.. I bought a Nespresso machine for my Juice Bar.. I bought 2 pairs of shoes from Nine West (a pair of wedges and a pair of white stilettos), a Zebra print dress (just incase the one I bought from Ebay didn't fit - PrincessBling ended up wearing it).. SGD400 worth of MEAT.. I went with 20kgs and came back with 30kgs worth of personal luggage.. thank goodness for MAS increasing their luggage allowance to 30kg and thank goodness for being an Enrich Gold Card member (I get additional 10kgs).  Below is the picture of the Nespresso machine I got.. can't wait to use it in the Juice Bar.. it will cost around RM2 to make one coffee, so I'm going to charge one cup of coffee for RM4.50 or RM5.00.. depending.
  4. Bintulu Trip

    This .. hopefully will be my last trip to Bintulu at the end of the month.  I'm getting sick of Bintulu already.. not to mention I'm dreading meeting that Black Balding Indian guy who keeps harassing me.. but as my psychologist say, make this a personal challenge to say NO to somebody.. so if he approaches me again, I'm going to say 'NO.. get lost Buster!' hahaha.. except maybe not in that manner.
Well, that's all that has been happening in May.. coming up, there's the Spring Live Active Run on 16th June 2013 where I'll be running 10km.. which means I got to get my ass moving and start training on the treadmill again.  Going to do tabatas Spring.. which means running for 1 minute, 1 minute walking and one minute running, next minute walking.. you get the picture.. going to try for 20 minutes, then up it to 30 minutes so on.  I plan to be doing this every other day and on weekends.  I also want to try my hands on TRX on Tuesday and Thursday lunch time.. yes people.. I WANT THAT BIKINI BODY!!!  I also want to complete the 10km run before 2 hours so I can get the finisher medal! hahahah.. also I want to beat my current timing of 1 hour and 40 minutes.

Also coming up.. is my big trip to Europe!! London, Brussels, Amsterdam and Paris baby!  I can't wait!  I'll be the only one in cattle class on the way to London, but will be flying Business Class back from Paris to Kuching.. I can't wait!  I've never sat Business Class for such a long flight before.. so I'm excited.. and I can't wait to do all the shopping in London and Paris.. eat all the food, enjoy the sights etc.. oh it's going to be fun!

With so many things in line, it's no wonder the time has passed so quickly.. before you know it, half the year is gone and I hope I'm not left with 'what if or why didn't I'.. I've learned to live life to the fullest and to not worry about little things in life.. if it's meant to be, it will happen! :)