Wednesday 8 January 2014

No Carb Boot Camp Diet

So New Year.. new me.. I've started a 2 week no carb boot camp diet plan.. recommended by Sean.  What does it consists of?  Meat meat meat... hahaha.. basically.. it's just eating protein, with the exception of green vegetables (carbs).. that means NO CARBOHYDRATES of any other kind.. GASP.. how can I live without my noodles.. my bread.. my potato... and worst of all... my alcohol!!!!!

But.. you heard it here first.. I'm going to quit alcohol until Chinese New Year.  Yup, that's right.. 3 weeks of absolutely NO ALCOHOL... unless of course if it's cooked with the food.. whereby the alcohol has all but burnt off..  Yes.. I'm talking about KACAMA!  (Foochow/Hokkien delicacy of chicken cooked with Kacama leaves and LOTS of rice wine.. acquired taste though!)  So anyway, also recommended by Sean.. who initially said 30 days.. I've compromised and decided to do 3 and a half weeks instead.. I mean.. it's unheard of not to drink during Chinese New Year right?

So I'm going to see.. after 2 weeks of my no carb boot camp.. which by the way.. I'm supposed to be on Day 3... but due to my lack of knowledge and therefore inadvertently drinking fruit juice.. I've landed myself smack back into Day 1 today.. 

So far.. how do I feel?  It's going to be a long 2 weeks.. and I'm sure it'll be a very cranky two weeks with no carbohydrates.  I'm already craving something sweet.. chocolates.. gasp droolz.. how on earth am I going to survive?

I was going to post a before and after picture.. but I'll spare you all the beached whale look that I'm currently sporting.  Just scroll up to the previous post and look at the picture of me on the boat.. (no.. not at the helm of the stern!).. the one which was taken in Langkawi.. that.. would be the last picture of me... looking like a beached whale.. and hopefully.. the last time I LOOK like a beached whale.  So wish me luck in my venture.. it's going to be a long 2 weeks.. and a longer 6 months to reach my goal weight.. but I'm willing to do anything at this point.

Friday 3 January 2014

Welcome to the New Year!!

Well, hasn't time flown by so quickly?  Already we're saying bye to 2013 and hi to 2014.. I can't believe it.. where has the time gone??  Well, I know I haven't been that diligent in updating my blog this year.. so here's a recap of how 2013 went down for me... 

Firstly, I joined yet another gym .. with the view of going everyday.. or at least every other day of the week.. and to help me get my new year resolution kicked started, I hired a personal trainer.. and arranged to have private training on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays... and I kept to that regime for 6 months before my trainer went back to UK.. but I started with another trainer and we're now working out 5x a week.. how's that for dedicated? :)

I opened up my very first business called Activate Lifestyle Corner.. selling food and juices at Phoenix Gym.  My business has since failed and I've shut it down after 8 months, but it was definitely a good learning experience.  I had fun while it was opened.. and I learned to step down when things were not going so great.. my ego was going to let me continue running a losing business.. but I managed to swallow it and decide on it's fate.

 Felt the first flutter of love... and then the bitterness of a broken heart.. 

Made it into Prestige Magazine and enjoyed a superb photo shoot!  It was one of the funnest things I did in 2013.. I love getting my photo taken :P  with a guarantee that it will look good of course!  But we flew out to KL.. went to the gorgeous Penthouse of Ritz Carton Residences and spent a whole day shooting before flying back to Kuching... it was awesome spending time with my sisters.. being made glam and having people actually interested in you.. oh the anticipation of it coming out in the magazine was awesome... and it only took 2 months.. to be released in the October Issue of Prestige.. titled "The DarLINGS of Kuching".. love the title.

Had an awesome getaway to London, Amsterdam and Paris... where shopping was mad and fun was insane!  I bought my first Chanel purchase.. a Boy Bag which I fell in love with at first sight.. it took a lot of drama to get the bag.. but eventually it was mine.  Only to be taken out on special occasions though! :)  We had the best food, the best drinks and the best hosts ever... who took great care of us while in London AND in Paris.

Threw an epic birthday party celebrated together with OktoberFest.. what does that mean?  Lots of booze and lots of PORK!!!  We were serving 1 liter Paulaner, suckling pig, pork ribs.. we had a great time.. and I KO'ed just before midnight.. passing out on the floor of the living room.. hahaha.. lightweights!

Check out this roast pork we had at our Christmas Bash.  It was massive!!!  And super crispy and yummy.. yes.. I love throwing parties.. and each one has to be better than the one before... or at least I try to make it like it is :)  Gin Tonics and Sommersby were on the menu.. and I KO'ed at 5pm (party started at 12pm).. man.. there's got to be a time when I stop KO'ing!  What was I drinking?  I was switching between Prosecco, Envy (passionfruit champagne) and red wine.. no wonder I was out like a light!  But it was a successful party.. and I'm so happy.

Sat on a Yacht in Langkawi for a sunset cruise and a barbeque on the beach.  This was totally fun.. sitting on the speeding boat with the salty air cruising through your hair.. we sailed for 4 hours before docking and taking a smaller speedboat to the beach where we feasted on fresh fish and steak and vegetables.. yummy!

Celebrated New Years Eve in style in Langkawi with a Masquerade party.. that's me trying to look sultry.. who am I kidding?  It was my so called 'duck face'! HAHAHAHA.. it was a great party we had, although a little on the sober side.
Here's a picture of us gals in our party wear.. all glam up to party the year 2013 away.

So that's my year in a nutshell.. so what does 2014 have in store for me?  Great things I hope!  What are the New Year resolutions that I've made?
  1. New Year = New Me... what does that mean?  I'm going to commit myself to transforming my body to be the best that it can be.  That means strict dieting (well, lifestyle change) and more exercising.. pushing my body to the limit.  FAT BEGONE!!!
  2. Cut down the drinking!!!!  Pretty much explanatory.. this is one that I keep making every year.. but this year.. New Me.. I'm going to commit to it.  Besides, I'm getting older.. getting drunk is for the young ones.. =P
  3. Pick up a new hobby (or get back into an existing one)
And that's the resolutions I've made.. I learned a long time ago not to have to many resolutions.. you start to lose track of it!

So here's to wishing all my readers a Very Happy New Year and I hope that the start of 2014 has already been great for you.  And I wish that you'll find everything you need to make 2014 the best year yet of your life!