Monday 25 February 2013

End of Chinese New Year

Well, after two weeks of indulging in food, alcohol and gambling, Chinese New Year has finally come to an end.  Indulging in all my vices can't be good.. I'm glad to say I tip the scales at only 1kg weight gain.. NOT GOOD.. 

One thing I didn't give up on was training.. I love training.. I'm addicted to training.. it's absolutely "free-ing" to push your body to the limit and see where it takes you.  I used to think that adrenaline was over-rated.. but not anymore.. I look forward to training every single day.. sometimes I wish I was training everyday and not just every other day!

But I'm glad for the training this Chinese New Year.. cos it only means I could indulge more with food and alcohol.

So what did we do to close the Chinese New Year period?  Why.. we held a party of course!  It was a pool party which supposed to start at 5.00pm.. but true fashion of Kuching-ians.. people didn't start showing up until past 7pm.  By then, the pool party ended and the BBQ has started... I love BBQ.. nothing better than charred food on your plate I say!  (No I'm not being sarcastic!)  It was an awesome party, with steak, hot dogs, squid, vegetables.. plenty of yummy food to go around.  Or so I thought, until we totally ran out of food for late comers.

That's me and Karen.. Frankly speaking.. I was so wasted I had no idea when that picture was even taken.. I had so much fun.. drinking whiskey and chatting to people.. when suddenly the spiked jelly (spiked with 750ml of Rum!!!) hit me and I started getting dizzy.. thus that's the end of the party for me!

But what an awesome day.. first was the Colored Rush Fun Run, then the pool party when I got thrown into the pool.. twice.. then the BBQ.. we let off some fireworks at the end of the night and that was how we closed Chinese New Year.. with a bang!

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