Sunday 2 March 2014

What's been Happening???

Wow.. it's been ages since I updated my blog.. what has everyone been too?  More importantly, what have I been up to?  Here's a few updates on my life since January til today.. 3rd March 2014.

  1. Totally fell off the diet wagon.. my bootcamp lasted for exactly 10 days and my non-drinking spell ran on for 12 days.  My weight has increased (noooooooo.. it's supposed to be going the other way!) and I'm totally depressed about it.  Far from crying and sobbing.. I've once again made up my mind to make March 2014 the start of the diet regime again.  Remember, its 20% exercise and 80% diet..
    I'm going over to Christchurch in June 2014 and I NEED to be in the best body shape that I can be.. so I can eat and gorge while I'm on holiday.. hahaha.. kinda defeats the purpose.. but yeah.. hard work deserves its rewards, doesn't it?  Time to eat clean and cut out the fat.
  2. Off the wagon and into the pot for my drinking.. as the year progresses, I find myself falling deeper and deeper into the bottle.. I went on a 10 hour alcohol binge this weekend and ended up in a minor car accident... while using PrincessBling's new car!  Needless to say.. that was a real wake up call.. and I need to detox for awhile... I'm going to start March 2014 looking after my health and my safety.. remember folks.. it's bad to drive while under the influence of alcohol!
    I won't give up booze entirely.. but I'll try to cut back the frequency and amount that I drink.. after all.. do I really need a hit everyday?
  3. Exercise has been going well.. although routine would be disrupted again with my PT leaving the gym.. now what.. who is going to help me achieve my goal?  I'm definitely getting stronger and fitter.. but I need to keep going.  Well, my PT has promised to continue helping me with my goal.. even if it's not at Phoenix Gym.. but that means I have to join anther gym.. just when I signed up for another year's membership!  We'll see how training pans out over the next few months... he's not leaving until May 2014 anyway.. so I have 2 months to fully utilize him and hit my target weight.
  4. Running.. I think that hobby of mine has gone through it's use-by date.. I now no longer find it fascinating and fun.. maybe because it's the same race and the same route.. but I find that I'm not motivated to sign up/register for any upcoming runs .. time to find a new hobby.  I will run on the treadmill in my free time just for cardio workout... but 10km runs are now out of my vision field.
  5. Travelingggggggggggg... my favorite hobby.  March will have no real traveling in store for me (I'm not counting my daily trips to Bintulu for payroll).. but come April onwards.. it's flying flying flying!  I'm going to Singapore in April, Munich in May and Christchurch in June.  I'm so excited.  And sometime later on towards the end of the year, I plan to make another trip to USA (or maybe beginning of next year.. we'll see how financials go).
  6. New venture... yes.. I'm going into business with PrincessBling and her hubby.. we're opening a Vietnamese French Bistro called Mint & Basil.. we're aiming for 1st July opening and it's going to be da bomb!  Specializing in Pho and Bahn Mi (Baguettes)... we're going to change the culinary world in Kuching!  Just kidding.. we're just bringing a different flavor into Kuching.. as I think we only have 2 Vietnamese cuisine stores in Kuching.  Fingers crossed that we succeed in this venture.
So this is what I've been up to in the last 2 months.  The next few months are going to be exciting as we prepare for our new venture and I continue on my weight loss journey.  Will keep you all updated!

Wednesday 8 January 2014

No Carb Boot Camp Diet

So New Year.. new me.. I've started a 2 week no carb boot camp diet plan.. recommended by Sean.  What does it consists of?  Meat meat meat... hahaha.. basically.. it's just eating protein, with the exception of green vegetables (carbs).. that means NO CARBOHYDRATES of any other kind.. GASP.. how can I live without my noodles.. my bread.. my potato... and worst of all... my alcohol!!!!!

But.. you heard it here first.. I'm going to quit alcohol until Chinese New Year.  Yup, that's right.. 3 weeks of absolutely NO ALCOHOL... unless of course if it's cooked with the food.. whereby the alcohol has all but burnt off..  Yes.. I'm talking about KACAMA!  (Foochow/Hokkien delicacy of chicken cooked with Kacama leaves and LOTS of rice wine.. acquired taste though!)  So anyway, also recommended by Sean.. who initially said 30 days.. I've compromised and decided to do 3 and a half weeks instead.. I mean.. it's unheard of not to drink during Chinese New Year right?

So I'm going to see.. after 2 weeks of my no carb boot camp.. which by the way.. I'm supposed to be on Day 3... but due to my lack of knowledge and therefore inadvertently drinking fruit juice.. I've landed myself smack back into Day 1 today.. 

So far.. how do I feel?  It's going to be a long 2 weeks.. and I'm sure it'll be a very cranky two weeks with no carbohydrates.  I'm already craving something sweet.. chocolates.. gasp droolz.. how on earth am I going to survive?

I was going to post a before and after picture.. but I'll spare you all the beached whale look that I'm currently sporting.  Just scroll up to the previous post and look at the picture of me on the boat.. (no.. not at the helm of the stern!).. the one which was taken in Langkawi.. that.. would be the last picture of me... looking like a beached whale.. and hopefully.. the last time I LOOK like a beached whale.  So wish me luck in my venture.. it's going to be a long 2 weeks.. and a longer 6 months to reach my goal weight.. but I'm willing to do anything at this point.

Friday 3 January 2014

Welcome to the New Year!!

Well, hasn't time flown by so quickly?  Already we're saying bye to 2013 and hi to 2014.. I can't believe it.. where has the time gone??  Well, I know I haven't been that diligent in updating my blog this year.. so here's a recap of how 2013 went down for me... 

Firstly, I joined yet another gym .. with the view of going everyday.. or at least every other day of the week.. and to help me get my new year resolution kicked started, I hired a personal trainer.. and arranged to have private training on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays... and I kept to that regime for 6 months before my trainer went back to UK.. but I started with another trainer and we're now working out 5x a week.. how's that for dedicated? :)

I opened up my very first business called Activate Lifestyle Corner.. selling food and juices at Phoenix Gym.  My business has since failed and I've shut it down after 8 months, but it was definitely a good learning experience.  I had fun while it was opened.. and I learned to step down when things were not going so great.. my ego was going to let me continue running a losing business.. but I managed to swallow it and decide on it's fate.

 Felt the first flutter of love... and then the bitterness of a broken heart.. 

Made it into Prestige Magazine and enjoyed a superb photo shoot!  It was one of the funnest things I did in 2013.. I love getting my photo taken :P  with a guarantee that it will look good of course!  But we flew out to KL.. went to the gorgeous Penthouse of Ritz Carton Residences and spent a whole day shooting before flying back to Kuching... it was awesome spending time with my sisters.. being made glam and having people actually interested in you.. oh the anticipation of it coming out in the magazine was awesome... and it only took 2 months.. to be released in the October Issue of Prestige.. titled "The DarLINGS of Kuching".. love the title.

Had an awesome getaway to London, Amsterdam and Paris... where shopping was mad and fun was insane!  I bought my first Chanel purchase.. a Boy Bag which I fell in love with at first sight.. it took a lot of drama to get the bag.. but eventually it was mine.  Only to be taken out on special occasions though! :)  We had the best food, the best drinks and the best hosts ever... who took great care of us while in London AND in Paris.

Threw an epic birthday party celebrated together with OktoberFest.. what does that mean?  Lots of booze and lots of PORK!!!  We were serving 1 liter Paulaner, suckling pig, pork ribs.. we had a great time.. and I KO'ed just before midnight.. passing out on the floor of the living room.. hahaha.. lightweights!

Check out this roast pork we had at our Christmas Bash.  It was massive!!!  And super crispy and yummy.. yes.. I love throwing parties.. and each one has to be better than the one before... or at least I try to make it like it is :)  Gin Tonics and Sommersby were on the menu.. and I KO'ed at 5pm (party started at 12pm).. man.. there's got to be a time when I stop KO'ing!  What was I drinking?  I was switching between Prosecco, Envy (passionfruit champagne) and red wine.. no wonder I was out like a light!  But it was a successful party.. and I'm so happy.

Sat on a Yacht in Langkawi for a sunset cruise and a barbeque on the beach.  This was totally fun.. sitting on the speeding boat with the salty air cruising through your hair.. we sailed for 4 hours before docking and taking a smaller speedboat to the beach where we feasted on fresh fish and steak and vegetables.. yummy!

Celebrated New Years Eve in style in Langkawi with a Masquerade party.. that's me trying to look sultry.. who am I kidding?  It was my so called 'duck face'! HAHAHAHA.. it was a great party we had, although a little on the sober side.
Here's a picture of us gals in our party wear.. all glam up to party the year 2013 away.

So that's my year in a nutshell.. so what does 2014 have in store for me?  Great things I hope!  What are the New Year resolutions that I've made?
  1. New Year = New Me... what does that mean?  I'm going to commit myself to transforming my body to be the best that it can be.  That means strict dieting (well, lifestyle change) and more exercising.. pushing my body to the limit.  FAT BEGONE!!!
  2. Cut down the drinking!!!!  Pretty much explanatory.. this is one that I keep making every year.. but this year.. New Me.. I'm going to commit to it.  Besides, I'm getting older.. getting drunk is for the young ones.. =P
  3. Pick up a new hobby (or get back into an existing one)
And that's the resolutions I've made.. I learned a long time ago not to have to many resolutions.. you start to lose track of it!

So here's to wishing all my readers a Very Happy New Year and I hope that the start of 2014 has already been great for you.  And I wish that you'll find everything you need to make 2014 the best year yet of your life!

Thursday 31 October 2013

Its my party and I cry if I want to...

Wow.. I just realised that my last update was wayyyyyyyyy back in August, when we had that photoshoot!  So what has happened since then?  Well, I turned a year older recently so here are the things that I can tuck under my belt as in 'been there.. done that'..
  1. We got published in the October edition of Prestige.. it was aptly titled "The Dar-Lings of Kuching".. isn't that so cute?  There was a gorgeous picture of the four of us in white, that we requested from the publisher to give it to us so we can print it and frame it.  What I loved about the article was reading what your siblings say about each other.. like things I never knew they thought about.. it was really sweet and touching.

  1. Being published in October also meant that it was my birthday month and what better way to celebrate a birthday than by being on a magazine? It was an awesome feeling and it was even more awesome celebrating our birthday together with OktoberFest!  That's right, we combined our birthday and threw an OktoberFest celebration! 

    We organized for 1 liter bottles of Paulaner beers (which came with a 1 liter cup) to be served at our party.. in total we had about 40 liters of beer and 40 mugs.. enough for the 50 or more guests that we were expecting.  And we served up PORK!  Yes.. Germans are famous for their pork.. so why not incorporate that into our party?  There was suckling pig, pork salami, pork ribs.. we were going to do pork sausages as well, but thought there might be a pork overload, so decided against it.

    In the end.. 2 liters of beer was what did it for me.  Totally KO-ed on the floor.. before being unceremoniously kicked awake by PrincessBling and tossed through the front door of the house and having the door slammed behind you.  Ahh.. but what a great night.  Everyone had fun, and the main thing was that most people lost memory .. a sign of a great party!
  2. I attended an awesome seminar in Singapore where it thought me the difference between being a manager and a leader, and I find out that I'm neither at the moment.  That's why I'm now taking steps to become a better manager, and hopefully a leader one day.  I've now decided that I don't want to go to Harvard University.. instead, I want to go back to Christchurch University of Canterbury to take their 2 year MBA course there.

    I would love to go back to Christchurch, to hang out with my friends again and revisit the old haunts.  I looked up the MBA course and it's exactly the courses that I want to take.  Changing others and Leading Change.. I feel that with this MBA course, it will give me the knowledge and strength to run the company the way I feel that it should be run, and not to be a pushover and have people take advantage of me.
  3. Had the time of my life in Singapore during the seminar.  I stayed at Shangri-La Hotel at Orange Grove and the hotel.. let me say.. was excellent in service.  I upgraded my room and got free reign of their happy hour deal.. free cocktails and food from 5pm - 7pm daily and free breakfast as well!  It was awesome.. and food was delicious!  In fact, the lunch for the seminar was in the hotel's buffet restaurant.. and omg.. I've never seen such a succulent buffet before in my life.  Food was simply delicious!  It was money well spent!  I must say I made full use of the extra money spent..

I can't say very much has happened.. which is why I haven't blogged in awhile.  Life remains the same for now.. which sometimes is disappointing as I want more.. sometimes I just want to feel the adrenaline again .. the rush of being in a big city.. but at the same time.. I have my friends and family here.. what more could I ask for?  Independence?

On the plus side, the land purchase is finally done.. I'm the proud owner of a landed property.  I've got big ideas for it.. which firstly includes demolishing that monstrosity of a house!  But I'm in no rush to get a house.. so I'll let PrincessBling and husband do theirs first, before coming up with a design that will compliment their house (our lands are by each other).  But if I want my independence, there's nothing stopping me from building a one storey loft for myself at the moment :)

Well, I hope that I'll have more interesting news to post on my blog in the near future.. there's plenty of things coming up: Standard Chartered 10km run, Langkawi New Years Eve, Christmas Day.. I can't wait for it all...

In the meantime though.. Happy Halloween!!!!!


Friday 23 August 2013

Glamour Photo Shoot!

A few months ago, we were asked by Prestige Magazine if they could do a feature on us four sisters.. why.. hell yeah.. of course we would do it!  The deal just got better when they said that we would be draped in Bulgaria jewellery!  But what on earth are they going to feature us about?  No idea.. but anyhow, we booked our tickets to KL and arrived one day early just to we can get prepared, do some shopping..and get a good night's sleep to avoid those eye bags! hahaha

Anyway, we got there on Wednesday.. firstly, they cancelled our 7.45am flight and pushed us onto the 7.15am flight.. super tired when we arrived in KL.. hopped on the cab which took us to J.W Marriott where we would spend our night.  Since our room was not ready (and who'd expect it to be at 10am?) we went to Pavillion and had breakfast at The Loaf.. square eggs on toast anyone?  Then we walked about Pavillion.. went to have a hair wash and manicure (I straightened my hair and got french tips done) .. buying beige panties because I forgot that we would be dressed in white.. when we stopped at Shanghai Tang.. and realized that the store was closing down.. SALES GALORE!  I got a cashmere jacket for a mere RM600!  Then it came time for dinner.. we went to a Japanese restaurant, which was kinda of a let down.. it looked so fancy and the food was just mediocre.. after dinner, we walked around some more.. and headed back to the hotel room at 10pm when all the shops were closing for the day.  Was so tired I crashed after taking a shower.

Next day, we had buffet breakfast.. careful not to eat so much as to not show a stomach bulge in the photos..and went to The Ritz Carlton Residences PENTHOUSE where the photo shoot was being held.  We met up with Brian who's the editor.. and found out that we're his first cover piece since he only joined Prestige a month ago!  How exciting is that?  Things got started straight away..

Step 1 - The Interview

PrincessBling and I were interviewed together while my other sisters were whisked off to hair and makeup.  That was a fun interview.. it was interesting because while I could just blab on for ages, I had to be careful of what I say because this is going into the magazine.. where thousands of people were going to read it!  I can't simply say anything .. worried that I might offend people, might spill a secret.. etc.. I think I was interviewed for half an hour before it was PrincessBling's turn.

Step 2 - Hair and Makeup

Was whisked off to hair and makeup myself after my interview.. The makeup lady was called Joey and she's really good.. she asked me what I usually wore, and I said I always wear dark.. so we went smokey with super long lashes.. kinda mimicking cat's eyes.  We went brown/gray tones and I absolutely LOVE it.. we went dramatic on the eyes and natural on the lips.  

Hair was being straightened and crimped at the roots to give volume.. I just never realized how much I missed having straight hair!  I think I shall keep it straight from now on.. when I'm at the salon washing my hair!  It still has some of the perm in it.. so when I wash it myself, it tends to go wavy and frizzy.

Step 3 - Clothes

I was given a Bottega Venetta dress to adorn.. it was brown in color and looked really funky.. unfortunately, I likened myself to looking like a tree trunk in it.  It's so heavy that it didn't do much for my figure.  PrincessBling was given a black lambskin DVF dress to wear that looked so good on her.  It was like the perfect fit for her.. damn her and her good body.

Step 4 - Duo photo taking

PrincessBling and I were to take a photo together to showcase on the magazine article.  We took a few shots before deciding that PrincessBling would step infront of me and I would be at the back, giving depth to the picture.  It was fun taking all the different shots, but really soul crushing when they can't find a good enough picture that you keep having to take more and more shots! hahaha

Step 5 - Individual shots

PrincessBling took her individual shot first, a shot showing her back and her face through a mirror.  It was really nice.. I waited in anticipation to see what my shot was.. and guess what?  It's at the corridor balcony.. overlooking the living room where there was this HUGE chandelier hanging there.  Here's a sneak peak of what the shot looks like :)

That's a shot of .. looking away from the camera.  My photo shoot didn't take too long because most of it came out looking really good! :)  Pretty pleased with my picture actually.. and I was draped in a gorgeous looking Bulgaria dangling earrings.  That's why my hair was swept to one side.. to showcase the earrings .. hahaha

Step 6 - Group Shots

We all changed into white outfits for our final group shot.. it's going to be in the middle of the magazine book, so we're seated on the couch smiling at the camera.  Pretty neat.. and the last photo is an 'undercover' shot.. which is basically a behind-the-scenes shot.. so they took a picture of us taking selfies!!

Don't we look gorgeous all of us? :)  It was funny how some people had trouble differentiating PrincessBling and I in that picture.

So that was basically our day at the photo shoot!  10.30am to 4.30pm.. what a long.. but exciting day.  It was definitely a great adventure and I can't wait to see my name in print.  One question posed to me was "What was your ambition when you were young?" and mine was "to be famous".. haha.. cheesy.. but hey.. my name is appearing in a magazine!!!  

I could get used to this....

Sunday 14 July 2013


After London, we took a flight to Amsterdam for 2 nights.  It was fairly easy navigating through the airport.. given that we were taking British Airways (I think) it was part of the One World group so I was given access to their lounge.. we spent a total of 5 minutes in the lounge before leaving because the lounge TOTALLY SUCKED!!!  No free alcohol or food.. just drinks.. we were better off shopping around in the airport.. til we realized how far the walk to the airplane was.. we were rushing!

Amsterdam is a nice place.. we've been there before with besties and had the best kebab there.  Or maybe we had the munchies cos we were high :P

That's me and my sister walking away from the sign.. but it seems to be the tagline in Amsterdam these days.. I AMsterdam.. we caught a cab to the hotel (I was staying at Marriott for the first night and moving in with my sister at another hotel for the second night).. 

Once we've settled into the hotel, we walked to meet up with the rest of the gang and ended up in a sports bar where they're serving 'all you can eat ribs!!'  OMG.. hell yeah! hahaha.. we ate til we could eat no more.. I'm not sure what you can do in Amsterdam.. but shopping was definitely not one of it.  Although we did find a Karl Lagerfield shop in the midst of all the ancient shopping.. 

Red light district was a sure disappointment.. firstly.. they don't open til late, secondly.. the ladies were all fat and old!  (We did see one guy going in and getting lucky :P ).. th enext day, we decided to take a tour of Amsterdam on a coach bus.. the one thing I remembered going to on our first trip, and now again.. was this..

Looks familiar? Yes!  It's a windmill and it looked exactly the same as it had in 2009.  I was stoked to remember looking at it.. hahaha.. I even suddenly remembered that that was where the bus broke down in 2009!

That night, we rented out the hotel's boat and went for a canal cruise.  It was awesome weather and it came with alcohol!

What trip wouldn't be completed without a shot with the captain's hat.. hahaha and at the stern of the boat?  Anyway, we took a 2 hour trip down the canal where we saw beautiful buildings (even the Prime Minister's residence!)

Isn't that just such a beautiful sight.. the canal with the olden day buildings.. enjoying the sights with a nice cup of white wine.. absolutely breath-taking.

We had dinner at a 2 STAR Michelin restaurant that was just a stone's throw from our hotel.. and boy was it a gastronomic affair... it was a course of 7 dishes, all prepared by the chef (ie there's no menu to choose from) and each one was more delicious than the previous one.

That was a seafood platter with cream of asparagus soup in the shot glass.. Princessbling LOVES the raw salmon paired with meringue.. she didn't know such a combination would go so well together.  I didn't eat raw food so I got a replacement dish instead.. 

Ham and Salami cold cuts started our meal.. it was beautiful.. not to salty and great textures!

Main course was a delicious tenderloin that was cooked beautifully.. each mouth melted in your mouth, just the way good quality beef should.. I'm just drooling thinking about it again!

Dessert was finished by a strawberry mousse with lemongrass ice cream.. it was a perfect way to end the meal.. we left feeling full and very satisfied.. there was a cheese platter as well, but since I don't eat cheese, it was wasted on me.

Thus was our two nights trip to Amsterdam.. we then boarded the Euro train for a 3 hour ride to Paris.. since we bought first class tickets, we were treated to food on board as well as alcohol!  Let's just say.. this trip was all about indulgence.. good food, good drinks and good company.

If you're wondering, no we didn't smoke weed or eat magic shrooms .. I was eager but no one wanted to have the responsibility of taking care of me when I'm high.. oh well.. maybe next time eh? :)

Thursday 11 July 2013

London 2013

We spent a total of 4 days in London, indulging in great food and shopping, taking in the sights of Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and the London Eye (although we didn't sit in it because the queue for it was sooooooo long).. and we were treated to the usual London weather, where it started raining and we were all soggy in no time.. only to have the sun come out 15 minutes later to dry us all again.

Now in London, shopping was awesome.. we were at Selfridges and Harrods shopping, and what's even better.. is that it's sales in London!  It was definitely a treat shopping there because of the sales.  I ended up 2 dresses from Karen Millen and 1 dress from French Connection at Selfridges.  From there, we had a lunch of oysters and champagne (I indulged in asparagus in hollandaise sauce) and when we regained our strength, we went for a walk along Oxford street, coming across big brands like Chanel and Prada.  I couldn't find anything I wanted in that Chanel shop, but sis found a gorgeous plum caviar skin bag and it took a long time for them to ring it up so we stayed for at least an hour in the store.

Prada was having a sale on shoes, and I was looking for a pair of cork wedges and what did I find?  A pair of cork wedges!  I had to choose between green or yellow.. finally settling for the yellow because it was easier to match and it just looked happier.

See, doesn't it just look so chirpy?  It was on sale too, with an additional 50% off!  BARGAIN!!!  So hence, that was the first pair of branded shoes I bought while on this trip.

Harrods just went on sale and the crowd there was crazy!  BUT, I managed to buy a pair of Jimmy Choo patent leather wedge pumps IN MY SIZE!!  It was 30% off and it too was a bargain!  It did look like my Nine West patent leather wedge pumps but hey.. it's Jimmy Choo okay?  Yes.. I've been called a brand whore before :P  I also managed to find a pair of gladiator sandals which I've still no idea what I'm going to wear it with, but it's something fun to have.  They only had two pairs left, one in size 37 and one in size 40.  Size 37 was my size, and I took it as a sign that I was meant to get it :)  Zara also went on sale and I got some great deals on daily wear, which was awesome!

Sis's friend took us to a Japanese restaurant called Zuma for lunch just before our Phantom of the Opera show.  We ended up overstaying for lunch and missing half the show.. but lunch was awesome.  The food just kept coming out and each and every one was as delicious as the one before.  We had sashimi (no I didn't touch it), tempura prawns that was so crispy and non-oily, baked cod fish but the best thing that came out was dessert!  It was a tower of sorbets, ice creams, cakes and tropical fruits.  Didn't think I would actually find langsat in London!  It was simply delectable!  Phantom of the Opera was great.. we came in at the right time and the singers were awesome.. it was in a small auditorium.. which was interesting because I thought it would be in a bigger hall.. but it was great.. I enjoyed it.

I got to say though, I made a booking at a steak restaurant that came highly recommended online, only to be sorely disappointed.. firstly.. it was FAR and secondly.. my steak came out looking rather pathetic and burnt.. and the onion rings were tasteless.. never trust the internet again!

We went out for lunch again at a place called Oblisk, which was located in the tallest building in London.. I had scallops as entree and it was beautiful!  Cooked perfectly, it was surrounded with sweet corn and rockets (my favourite!) and a lovely sauce.  Main course was LOBSTER!!!  Since having it and falling in love with lobster in Goodman's London.. I ordered the crustacean every chance I get!  And I wasn't disappointed.  It was so light and crunchy.. heaven on a plate.  Dessert was chocolate brownie sundae which was the perfect end to an awesome meal.

We did have Chinese food for one day (Saturday).. we went to the Royal China Club for dim sum (and more lobsters!) which was super yummy.. totally miss dim sum... and at night, we went to Kai, the only Chinese restaurant with a Michelin star awarded to it.  Dinner was just absolutely stunning.. we started out with slow poach egg with black truffle and caviar (light and airy) followed by scallops and the usual fare like sweet and sour pork, chinese vegetables.. all tied together with chili infused rice.  I can't really remember what dessert was.. but it was a great meal.. nice and satisfying.

Needless to say, we had some pretty gastronomic meals in London.. sis's friend made sure that we never went without food and champagne :)

Thus was our trip in London.. next stop.. Amsterdam!