Wednesday 22 August 2012

Kuching Drivers... what can I say?

I totally understand how people can actually succumb to road rage.. trust me, I've been at the wheels many times when I wish that I had a shot gun that I can just take out and eliminate the driver in front of me.

Now.. I'm not saying that I am the best driver in the world.. but I would like to point out that at least I drive with common sense!

Granted.. it's not easy to navigate a 3 lane roundabout.. I reckon Malaysia is the ONLY place that does it.. but rule of thumb.. you stick to the closest exit lane when you want to exit!  Don't try to exit at the last minute from the middle lane!  Do you know how many near accidents I've almost had with cars coming into my lane at the last minute trying to swerve for their exit?

And what about coming out from a roundabout?  Naturally, you stick behind the white line and wait until there is no cars then you exit.  Don't expect cars to not hit you when you are literally one car length out from the white line and totally in the way of the oncoming car!  In situations like this, come out quickly.. don't just park your car there and avoid the glare of the person in the car that you just blocked!

And driver who want to drive at 20kmph.. come on.. at least stick to the side so others can safely over take you.  And seriously.. do you feel as if you're driving really fast at that speed?  It's not really safe driving at that speed on the highway!

And if you decided to turn out from an entrance really fast.. keep up that speed when you drive.. do not slow down causing the car behind you to brake!  It's annoying.. and if you were taking a driving exam... you would have failed!

And lastly.. is it so hard to signal?  Just a little click of the handle.. I actually like hearing the click of the handle.. why don't you give it a try?

Grrrr... makes driving more stressful than it is.. but what can I say, at least it makes the day more colorful.


  1. What about stupid kancils who think they are so tiny therefore they are allowed to create a whole new lane! Especially infuriating when you are waiting to exit and you put your whole concentration looking to your right searching for an opportunity and when you find it and start pulling out....ARGH!! A stupid kancil suddenly appears on your left in an imaginary lane and pulls out at the same time as you and into your lane and all you can do is brake hard to avoid this idiot. My absolute pet peeve!! That and people stopping right in front of a moving escalator....

  2. How about driver who think they own the road by driving in the middle of it? I like to slide close to them and scare the living shits out of them!

  3. My peeve is those idiots in their big 4wd or SUVs! Think they own the road just because their car is big and literally try to drive you off the road like a monster truck! Must be overcompensating, eh?

    1. Don't even get me started about motorcycles who think they own the road, and those who think that their motorcycles are so slim they can just come out of a junction and not disturb cars driving past.

  4. Graaaahh.. it's getting worse nowadays.. which people driving very slowly in at outer lane and when you wanna overtake them from inner lane, they sped. %$#@$#@!!!
