Tuesday 21 August 2012

So what's been happening?

Man.. sorry for the long hiatus.. but been lazy to blog these days as nothing much has been happening.  Just had a one week break, with me going to Singapore and Hari Raya holidays.. so here's just a recap over the month and what's been happening in my life =)

In the beginning of August 2012, I made a trip down to Bintulu to conduct some interviews for site supervisors.. I stayed two nights in Bintulu Kemena Hotel.. it's a pretty nice hotel too.. so one day was spent in Bintulu itself, and the next day, we drove 2 hours to Sungai Asap to conduct the interview there for our Murum project.  It was a fun road trip, with one of the worst road conditions I have ever experienced.  Bintulu itself was pretty boring, I couldn't imagine staying there for a week!  I spent both nights at the bar, enjoying nice cold glasses of Hoegaarden beer.. my favorite.. but let's just say, when mission was completed and all interviews and AP applications were processed.. I was ready to hobnob it out of there!

It was my best friends AlanHarperIsMyIdol and Cryptkeeper's birthday mid-August.  I wish I was there to mark the occasion with them, but I was traveling way too much and therefore couldn't afford a trip to Australia this year, but I'm definitely planning a trip to Melbourne, Sydney and Christchurch next year!  I'm already saving my Enrich points for free tickets!

I traveled to Singapore mid-August for 4 days, returning on the Eve of Hari Raya.  Went up to Singapore to visit my Grandmother as she was celebrating her 85th birthday!  Also, it was my regular visit with my psychiatrist and psychologist. I saw a fellow inpatient (when I was admitted in Singapore at the beginning of 2010) who seems to be suffering deeply in her eating disorder.. she was down to just slightly above 30 kilos!  I must say, it's very triggering seeing all this skinny girls, but I must keep strong.  What I did notice about most of this skinny girls.. is how extremely big their feet looks.. weird huh?  Had really good sessions, it's good seeing Dr Lee and Vivien again.  I got told off by Dr Lee for not taking my meds.. mainly cos I didn't want to take it, and I got lazy.. but after suffering from withdrawal symptoms so bad that I wanted to rip my head off.. I've put myself back on the anti-depressants and don't think I'll be missing it anytime soon!  Caught up with Kien, Mela, Koko and Mie Mie in Singapore.. it was nice to see them again.. just had the realization that we all worked in the same company one time or another.  First night, we went for Panini (YUM!) and second night we went for crepe!  Third night was the start of the Ghost Month, so none of them wanted to go out and come home late.. wow.. didn't know that they were so superstitious.. so I was home on a Friday night, indulging in crabs.. yummy!  Although ONE crab did cost me SGD36!  Talk about a rip off..

Hari Raya.. ahh.. another occasion of indulgence.  Too many rendang and curries to taste.. oh and guess what.. had a blast from the past when I met Miss Chow at Bujano's house.. she knew me, but couldn't recognize me.  She only recognized Ron, and Ron introduced me as his 'sister' and Miss Chow asked 'where's Lisa and Laura?' and I was like.. "Ummm.. I'm Lisa'.. and she was astonished (no doubt by my great beauty :P) and said 'wow, if I saw you on the streets, I wouldn't have recognized you!'  Reminding me of the time where I did see her on the street crossing the road and almost rammed into her with my car!

So now, it's back to work.. and I must say, after a week's hiatus, I am excited to be back at work.  What a nerd!  hahaha

So there you have it, a month full of partying and traveling.. I'm looking to travel more in the next few months, going back to USA to catch up with PrincessBling and my great pals Dave and Jannine.. planning an escape to KL for a weekend, going to Singapore for Koko's wedding in November and back again a week later for the Standard Chartered Marathon.. 

Man I love traveling! :)

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