Monday 23 July 2012

Day 7 - Mykonos

Mykonos has got to be my favorite Greek Island.  It's just so beautiful!  From the moment we took the small boat into the island (our cruise ship couldn't dock at the harbour) I was in awe.  It started with the fresh produce that they were selling on the streets.
The produce was brilliantly colored, from the red tomatoes to the peppers to the watermelon.. looks good enough to dig my teeth in.

Our first stop was to the church, where the bells were centuries old.
The church was beautiful.. but unfortunately, I was denied entry because my shorts were too short (???) and they offered me a cloth to tie around my waist.. but I had caught a glimpse of the inside of the church already.. so I wasn't gonna be bothered about dressing up and going in.

After the church, we went further down view it was the 'best view of the ocean' and took pictures.. in the freaking hot sun.. we took it and rushed back into the air conditioned bus.. frankly.. I didn't think that the view was all that.. but judge for yourself.
You can see our cruise ship in the distance :D and the windmill behind PrincessBling.  But yes.. the entire city was caked in white.. mainly because it's a cooling color.

After that, we went for lunch in the city, where we were greeted by... 
A pelican!!!  The city is roaming with pelicans.. and they just walk around like they own the place.. not even bothered by the hundred of cameras stuffed in their face and the hundreds of tourists chasing after them.

Lunch consisted of mix seafood platter.. and let's just say that it's super fresh!
Prawns, calamari, sardines.. it was all there!  I had gyros again cos I love it.. but it was a little dry.

We were supposed to see the windmills but I wasn't interested because we already saw real ones in Europe when I was there in 2009.  This windmills were funny looking..
Like.. how on earth does it capture the wind when there's like no propellers?

It was free and easy after lunch.. we just had to be on time to catch the last boat back to the cruise at 11pm.  Soooo.. we decided to roam around the city shopping.. I heard that there was a Chanel store somewhere..
The city was confusing.. one alley turns to the next and you get lost.  We were just walking round and round and FINALLY stumbled upon the Chanel shop.. PrincessBling got her first Chanel bag.. I didn't get anything because it was a small shop and I couldn't find anything I liked.

We rushed back to the cruise after to get our bathers so we could go hang out at the beach for the rest of the afternoon.  We went to the beach via taxi and boy was it breathtaking.
The water was brilliant blue .. so clear you could see right down to the ocean floor. All the front row of chairs were taken, so we had to do the second row... which was still fine.
Look just how gorgeous it is!  We had to pay 6 Euros for the seat, but the guy never came to claim the cash.. so we had it for free.  They had China ladies walking around offering massage, so I signed up for 30 minutes for 25 Euros.. so while the others were splashing around in the sea.. I was lying in the sun having a glorious back massage!  It was pure heaven!

Finally decided it was time to dip in the ocean.. and it was FREEZING.. not to mention super salty.. made us extra buoyant in the waters.. haha.. but the water was so cold.. I sucked in my breath each time the waves came.. in the end...I just jumped in and swam around til my body got used to the cold.. after maybe 5 minutes in the water, I was done.  Time to get up and get back in the sun!

Going back into the city was an adventure.. we couldn't find a cab!  Turns out that there were only 31 taxis in Mykonos and all of them were taken.. think that they just didn't want to drive out to the beach with no one going there as they won't earn any money.  We FINALLY had to hop on the Contiki tour bus.. hahaha.. that was interesting.. they were getting picked up again at 3am!  This is purely a partying tour.  But thank goodness we managed to get back into the city.

Dinner was once again.. seafood platter.. it was so yummy.  I can't get over how fresh the seafood were!

Now it was our turn to party.. we went to 'The bar Downunder' where the owner was Australian.. and had redbull vodka BUCKETS, and shots after shots of who knows what.. and after that.. we moved on to another bar.. and had a shot called 'F*ck me up'.. which was HORRIBLE.. true to its name.. we were grossed out that it killed the mood.  So we decided to call it a night and go back to the cruise ship.

Why is Mykonos my favorite island?  It's so picturesque and quaint.  Love how you could get lost in the alley, very reminiscent of the time we were in Venice.
This is one place that I would definitely come back to if I had the chance.


  1. I cant believe u went to beautiful Mykonos and went to a Chanel shop! XD If it were me, I would be too busy off somewhere taking pics to be seeing the inside of a branded shop! Shocking!

  2. Gorgeous pics btw! Hehehe love the pelican. Makes me really wanna poke it. Lol.

  3. Definitely go back... and take me!!!

    Ya, gorgeous pics... but how come they can't zoom bigger when I click on them? :(

    1. Yes!! We should sooooooooooo make a trip to Greece.. hey.. you know what my schedule is like.. set a date and let me know!

  4. ChanelFan! I think you got your stories mixed up la.. you were denied entry at the church in Rhodes Island! hahaha I know cause i'm wearing just as short shorts and I went into the church...

    1. Oh, not this island? hahaha.. my bad.. too many churches!
