Tuesday 20 November 2012

Drama of the Day

Yes, we had our fair share of drama today.. it involved losing my beloved Hunter in the middle of the night.. 
It all started around 9pm, when bro's friend came over to drop some stuff, and bro forgot to close the gate.. the dogs were released at 9.30pm and we all went to bed at 11pm.  By 12.30pm, phones were ringing because a kind soul had reported on Facebook that a Husky has wandered into his premises.. so friends were calling up saying 'your dog is in someone else's house!'...

Jo woke me up and we charged to his house in our pajamas, hoping to see Hunter and Lupo there.. but only Lupo was around.. there was no sight of Hunter.  Anyway, task 1..get Lupo home!  He musta made good friends with the guy's dog because Lupo was having none of that.. he was howling bloody murder as I got hold of his collar and started the journey home... took me a good 10 minutes to drag him home, hoping that I didn't wake up the rest of the neighborhood!

Once he was home safely, I went back out searching for Hunter, but we didn't have a clue if he went left or right.. we canvas the entire neighborhood for an hour before giving up.. vowing to start the search again in the morning, and posting advertisements on Facebook.

We even offered a handsome reward (although not stating the price) hoping that people will turn him in for money... there were many comments, but most were about Lupo (because of the guy's posting) and none was about Hunter.. PrincessBling went out to canvas the entire neighborhood again, with no luck.. we were falling into despair..

Then.. miracles out of miracles, we were settling down in the living room after lunch when my daddy looked out the window and saw Hunter standing at the gate, waiting to come in!!! He just said 'Hey, Hunter's come home!' and we all starred in disbelief til he said that he was serious!  We opened the gate and let him in immediately, and boy was he filthy...

He HAD SOMEONE ELSES CHAIN ON HIS NECK!  Which goes to show me that he was taken by someone nearby who chained him up.. and Hunter .. being desperate to escape... pulled and chewed on the chain until it broke, and made the dash back home!  See, a Husky's first instinct is to run straight, and they lose their way home.. ie they have no homing instinct.. so for Hunter to find his way back after being dognapped.. it's a miracle!  He must have a strong love for us as we do for him..

Everyone (even my mummy!) took turns patting him and welcoming him home, with daddy even asking for a good meal to be provided to Hunter... but as he was filthy.. first thing first.. A SHOWER!!!!

How happy was he to be back?  You judge :)



  1. So glad u got him back! Truly amazed he managed to escape from the evil scum who tried to hold him captive! Good on him... Yes sounds like he loves u guys and was dying to come home! :)

    1. I love that picture of him looking so happy.. and yeah.. scumbags.. I'm getting him a tag with a 'call if you found me' inscription!

  2. He tried to escape twice! Cause his collar was broken AND they used the chain to tie up his collar. Total scums man.
