Sunday 18 November 2012


Yes, I am back from the U S of A!  Bittersweet feelings about that.. I absolutely love the States.. best of all, I love just hanging out, shopping, chilling and not having to go to work! hahaha.. that shows how lazy I am unfortunately.  Then again, if my job was as mind stimulating as I hoped it would be, then that wouldn't be a problem!

So anyway, I'm sorry that I didn't blog the entire time I was in USA... that's because my life revolved around waking up, deciding to stay at home or go out, and catching up on oodles of episodes of SVU! hahahaha... nothing very mind boggling to blog about unfortunately.  I can sum up my entire holiday in this blog!

Lets see, it was like the longest flight ever to get to USA.. it was 10.50am flight to Singapore, then a 5 hour layover before flying off to Hong Kong, with another layover of an hour, then a 13 hour flight straight to San Francisco.  I spent much of the time dozing off (thank goodness for night flights) so it wasn't too bad.. but boy was my ass flat when I arrived.  Got through immigration pretty quick and was glad to arrive at the conveyor belt just as my bag went by.  Hobnobbed it out of there and saw PrincessBling and hubby waiting outside.. so sweet.. thought that they were just going to wait in the car outside.  Anyway, we then went to pick up some pizza for dinner.. talk about jetlagged, I was out like a light (after and nice hot shower) soon after.

Next day was my birthday.. I waited in anticipation for the whole day for our steak dinner.. even worked out in the afternoon so I could enjoy my steak with no guilty conscience!!  The meal was HUGE.. and I had to eat raw fish (so good according to PrincessBling) so I gulped it down.. not too bad.. not something I would order again though.. by the time we got to the main course (after the hamachi shot and some appetizers).. we were STUFFED.. and the steak was HUGE!!  In the end.. we ended up taking like 3/4 of it home in the doggy bag.  Dinner came up to USD$600!! OMG.. that's the last time we'll indulge.. hahaha

The next night, we drove to Lake Tahoe and spent the weekend with awesome friends.  They were so generous, letting us crash at their place and supplying us with all the alcohol we could handle.  We stayed up past 1am every night for 2 nights.. what did we do in Lake Tahoe?  Unfortunately, snow season hasn't started yet.. soooo.. we ended up in the casinos in Nevada!  OMG.. it was so fun.. hahaha.. we started casino hopping!  PrincessBling learned to play on the Craps table and was doing well.. me.. I decided to just stick with slot machines.. didn't do too bad myself too!  In fact, we had so much fun in Lake Tahoe we decided to drive down there again two weeks later to spend another weekend with great friends, alcohol and casinos! hahaha .. second time, we drove down to Carson City, which is the capital of Nevada just to check it out.. I prefer Lake Tahoe! hahaha

The rest of the two weeks were spent pretty much shopping.. we rented cars and drove up to the Outlet Malls, where we would spend like 5 hours shopping non-stop.. I found HUGE bargains!  Like a Ralph Lauren SILK halter dress that used to be like USD$450.. I got it at a steal for USD$68!!!  I ended up with brands like DVF, Ralph Lauren, Oscar De La Renta (sunnies), Seven for all Mankind, DKNY.. it was just amazing!  Oh, and don't forget, BCBG! hahaha.. my favourite brand.  Pity there wasn't any Guess by Marciano .. only in Vegas.

Weather wise, it was slightly warmer than I anticipated.. just walked out with a jersey and that was it.  I looked overdressed in my Uggs though! hahaha...

Okay okay okay.. I know what you're all thinking.. did I fulfill my promising of working out every day in USA?  Hell no!  hahaha.. I went to the gym exactly 4 times in the 3 weeks that I was there.  But we walked HEAPS! :)  And this was no stroll too.. I was practically running to catch up at PrincessBling's hubby's pace.. everyone walks fast in San Francisco apparently.. even the time given to cross the street was not long enough, always reaching the other side just as the crossing sign turns red!

So at the end of three weeks, with us rushing to pack everything up at the last minute.. it came to a bittersweet end of the holiday.  We all got to the airport with 6 bags, all maxed out in weight limit.. hahaha.. but luckily we all got through.. although our hand carry bags were like stuffed full, they didn't stop us! :)

Hence started the EVEN LONGER flight back home.. This time was through Seoul, Korea, but we were delayed on the tarmac, so waiting time was longer.  We were literally surrounded with Indians, and I'm sorry to say.. they're disgusting!  You should see the plane once we disembarked.. the couple in front of us had an annoying screaming child the whole flight, and once they left, there were blankets everywhere, the seat was wet, smudges of baby food on the floor.. the Indian guy behind us was talking so loudly, flirting with the girl who sat next to him (she has my full sympathy).. I was sooo glad when we finally arrived in Singapore at 2.30am.. only to be dismayed to find that the sky train shuts its service from 2.30am to 5.00am.. so we had to walk all the way from Terminal 3 to Terminal 1 for the Transit Hotel.  By then I was exhausted.. ahhh.. nothing like a hot shower!  Out like a light, only to wake up 3 hours later.. so we decided to have breakfast and indulged in a little shopping.. 

I ended up buy a Marc Jacob bag just like PrincessBling (albeit a different colour) because I fell in love with it when I saw PrincessBling carry it for the first time in Greece.  So now I'm a proud owner of one too. I got mine in off-white, while her's is grey.  We stocked up on Hendricks Gin and got the cutest shaker set as a free gift.. last one in stock too!  Then we ended up on the Golden Lounge (yes, after the long flight, we decided to treat ourselves to business class tickets from Singapore to Kuching) and just chilled until our flight at 12.50am (yes, it was almost 12 hours in the airport!)

At immigration in Kuching, we went through without a hitch.. cept for them wanting to open my box which was filled with cups and sugar bowls for the juice bar.. and he had to say 'just to let you know, these things are taxable so next time you come back, you will be taxed'.. and I said 'you wanna tax?  This costs like RM5 each!' and he's like 'no no.. just to let you know for next time!'  I'm like.. sure dude.

Anyway, it's good to be home.. we went swimming straight away, to ward off the heat in Kuching.  And getting to see my babies again.. they were so cute!  Lupo started trying to jump out of the cage just to play with us (or get away.. who knows!)

Well, at this time, I'm all unpacked.. and it feels as if I'd never left for USA! haha.. how the mind forgets so quickly.


  1. What, three weeks and only one post??? Come on... some pics even...

    1. Hahaha.. honestly, we didn't even do anything that requires photo taking!!!
