Thursday 13 December 2012

2013 GOALS!!!!!

Since 2012 is coming to an end (yay Christmas and New Year Parties!!), I decided to write down my goals for 2013.. that I can think of anyway.. and let's see if I stick to it!

My first goal of course, which has been the same for every year.. is to participate more in exercising and keeping fit.. (and of course, weight loss would be the added bonus!).. I've been rather slack in that area in 2012.. but way better than I was in 2011 where I did NOT touch any gym equipments at all... exercise was EVIL.. but this year, I've started going to the gym at home and working out.. reaching my goal of fitting into my Tatler dress in one month etc.. BUT now.. for 2013, I've made the ultimate goal.. to lose 10kgs by April 2013.. (just before my big trip to Paris!).. now how on earth am I going to do that?  Well, firstly.. I've decided to sign up at Phoenix Gym.
Yes.. I decided that I'm not dedicated at home to do it on my own, and I need pushing.. and I'm practically at Phoenix Gym every day (I now operate a juice bar there.. more about that later!).. so what better use of my time than to work out and be fit and healthy!  But ultimately, I want to lose 10 - 20kgs by the end of 2013.. 

Second goal of the year, would be cutting down on alcohol consumption.  Yes people, no more binge drinking (AFTER New Years :P).. I don't think my liver can take anymore abuse, and it's coming to the point where I'm craving for alcohol daily!  My psychologist has gone as far as to recommend Detox and Rehab.. to which I told her 'there's no way I'm giving up alcohol for life!'.. so it's my duty then, to prove that I don't need rehab.. to cut down on alcohol consumption.. that means possibly drinking only once a week.. not counting dinner functions etc.. or the occasional bottle of wine during dinner..  I figured, if I spent more time at the gym.. there's less opportunity for me to drink.. and less drinks means less carbohydrates, which will fuel my weight loss!  It's a win-win situation!

Third goal for 2013 would be to run a half marathon.. yup..  a full 21km.. and hopefully the training I get in the gym will gear me up for that.  There's the Standard Chartered Marathon in Singapore in December 2013, and I hope to be able to compete in the 21km category by then.  In the meantime, I will continue signing up for 10km marathons, just to prepare myself and to partake in something that I really do enjoy.. just thinking.. if I walked 21km (maybe running about 4km.. it will take me 4 hours to finish it!)

Fourth goal... to indulge in travels.. with planned trips to Paris and Egypt, I'm sure I'm going to fulfill this goal next year! :)  Might drop into Milan while in France as well.. just because it's shopping central for branded goods!

Fifth goal.. to find true love maybe?  Let's face it.. I'm not getting any younger.. perhaps it is time to let go of the past, of what's thats been haunting me for over 2 decades.. to face my fears and just let go.. 

So these are my main goals for 2013.. notice that much of it has to do with health :P  but yeah.. if you don't have health, what have you got?  HOORAY for 2013!!!

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