Thursday 17 January 2013

Mid January...

It's mid-January... so how has the progress been so far?  Well, since I started training last week, I can already feel myself getting toner.. and I have lost a grand total of 1kg! WOO HOOOOOOOOOO.. I'm well on my way to reach my goal!  What's that goal again?  Why.. to lose 10kgs by June 2013!  At the rate I'm going, it's definitely doable.. don't you think? :)

I feel great after all the workout.. but I'm doing more weight training.. than cardio, so I'm doing cardio on my own during the weekend.. well, there is that dreaded 4 minutes of cardio at the end of every training session, but I don't feel right until I get atleast one hour of cardio a week.  I tend to do that on the weekends.

So what else is in store, what's been happening?

Well, Chinese New Year is coming round the corner.. hoping to shed a few more kgs to look good in my red CNY dress that I bought from BCBG in the States.  Which means I'm really going to have to watch what I eat for the next 3 weeks.  I've pretty much cut out carbs after breakfast, but maybe I should think about cutting carbs out completely for the next 3 weeks.  I can't wait for Chinese New Year.. we're having "open house" again and I can't wait to do the entertaining.

We're still facing payroll issues at work, so it looks like a trip to Bintulu at the end of the month for me!  Usually I don't mind staying there for a couple of days.. but definitely not longer than 5 days.. I'll absolutely die of boredom.. and probably ending up drowning my sorrows in Hoegaarden!

Nothing much has been happening, it's been a rather quiet month so far.. just focusing on being fit and shedding the weight.  So I've got nothing interesting to tell really... unless if you wanna hear all about my gym escapades! 

PrincessBling and hubby has jetted off to Singapore for the weekend leaving me alone .. I feel that I'm sticking to my resolution because now.. rather than think "yes! I can go HH in the weekend!".. I'm thinking "when can I make time to go to the gym?"  EKKK.. I've become a gym nerd!

Well, AlanHarperIsMyIdol and CryptKeeper.. who knows.. the next time you see me (hopefully in August 2013).. I'll be trim and fit and hopefully showing off a six pack :)

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