Sunday 20 January 2013

New Goal!

I realized what a boring life I have right now.. it's all revolving around the gym.. I swear!  I mean.. I spent the last weekend just going to the gym and sleeping.. gym/sleep.. that's all I did for 2 days!  Wow.. I better get a life man!

But to recap what a boring life I have.. I made a new goal at personal training session today.  My new goal is to be able to RUN the entire 10km track for my next marathon, which is on 5th May in Kota Kinabalu.  Yes.. no more running 1km and walking 9km.. I'm going to be running the entire way, which will pull down my time to just over an hour to finish.. what an awesome goal that is huh?  So now my personal trainer is going to give me a list of workouts to do to strengthen my core and hamstrings and to increase my stamina as well.  I can't wait!

See, my life is now revolved around gym.. it revolves about me finally taking care of myself.. working out is great.. it gives you adrenaline and endorphins which makes you happy, and when you see the results.. you get even happier.. conclusion.. you can only get happier going to the gym :D

I think I'm going to start with a paleo diet.. for the next 3 weeks before Chinese New Year.. it's time to lose more fat and change the body shape!  A paleo diet includes no carbs, no dairy, no legumes... which means it's going to be meat meat meat and lotsa veges for me!  No problem since I haven't taken rice in awhile now.. but my greatest challenge would be giving up noodles.. I LOVE noodles, I crave for it when I don't have it for breakfast.. which means I'll have to get it out of my system.  

Well, guess I'll check back in a few days to let you know how the paleo diet is working.. I'm already doing it for lunch and dinner.. now to throw breakfast into the mix!


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