Wednesday 9 January 2013

Personal Training - Day 2

Hmm... I getting used to the pain.. I'm getting use to the fact that the mobility in my arms are limited, I'm getting used to the strain in the muscles when I go up and down the stairs.. what I'm not used to is not having my arvo nap!  hahaha.. just kidding.. I do like the afternoon siesta, but I should stop making a habit out of it... after all..there's more to life than just sleeping right?

So day 2 of personal training went alright.. we focused more on arms and legs.. which is technically my main target areas at the moment... we did the dreaded lunges.. my worst enemy.. we did bench presses.. I was bench pressing 13kgs.. not bad eh? :P  We even did pull ups.. of course I was using a rubber band and he was pushing me up.. but I had to use my own strength to reach the very top.. that was quite fun.

One of the things I'm still getting used to is the fact that I am not doing any sit ups!  I like the feeling of pain in the stomach that I usually get the day after doing sit ups.. so now I'm still trying to get used to the fact that everywhere else EXCEPT my stomach is hurting.. maybe I'll get him to incorporate some sit ups in each session.. after all.. don't we all want that six pack??

I'm wondering if I should continue doing cardio on days that I'm not having private lessons.. weights generally burn off more fat (although I just saw an article yesterday that disputed that) but you need cardio to work out the heart and to burn calories as well!  So I'm a little torn.. and lazy.. 

I need to put my perspective in order.. what is it that I'm really going for?  Is it health and fitness, is it to lose weight.. WHAT IS IT???  Is this a long term decision, or a short term goal?  Is it a change of lifestyle or a fad?  Argh.. I can't believe that I'm just such a lazy person... I used to have so much determination.. and now age is catching up to me.

I need to make that decision and stick to it.... think I shall SLEEP ON IT! :)

Seriously.. I bought 20 PT and I'm going to use it all up.. in a bid to lose weight and stay fit.  Yes, that's my focus.. lose weight and stay fit.. time to drop the lazy and pick up the active.

Go Go Go Year 2013 is going to be MY year!

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