Wednesday 30 May 2012

Gayu Guru Gerai Nyamai

That's right, it's Gawai time.  Time to celebrate the harvest festivals in Sarawak for our natives.  Long ago, Sarawak was inhibited by natives and they do alot of farming, which is why they celebrate the harvest month with Gawai on every 1st and 2nd June.

For us other people who are not natives, it's a chance to get together with native friends and enjoy rounds of native food and drink.. such as Tuak.. or the dreaded.. LANGKAU!  Langkau is a version of Tuak (rice wine) that is not filtered, so it's pretty much almost 100% alcohol.

Now, I enjoy the tipple of tuak during Gawai.  PrincessBling even served Tuak on her wedding day in celebration of Gawai (as her wedding falls on 4th June!)

One of the cool things about the native is the outfit they wear, and the ngajat!  Haha.. that's right.. the native dance!  It wasn't too long ago in Rain where they had a Gawai festival, and invited people from Cultural Village to come dressed in traditional outfit and dance the ngajat!  Before I knew it.. I was up on stage dancing the ngajat with them..  boy was that a fun night full of beer, free tuak and free food!

Don't you just love their costumes?  Wish I had her headband! hahaha...
This the them doing the ngajat.. before I was pulled up on stage to dance with them.

Overall, Gawai is a great time to celebrate with native friends and drink with them too...

Gaya Guru Gerai Nyamai everyone!

Sunday 27 May 2012

Sundown Marathon 2012

In a pure moment of craziness, I signed up for a 10km run in Singapore.. wayyyyy back in March 2012.  I wasn't sure what I was thinking, but perhaps it was unconscious decision to put one more tick towards my bucket list.  So anyway, I started training (Somewhat) on 1st May 2012 and the race was on 26th May 2012.. start time of 10.30pm.. yes.. that's why it's called Sun DOWN marathon.
I was actually really excited.. then scared... then nervous for the race.  I spent all afternoon sleeping just so I will stay awake for the run!  Of course, I had to look good.. so I bought a headband from Nike, a sports top from Reebok, and my pants from Nike, together with my Salomon shoes.. and the official running shirt from Sundown.
This is my running buddies.. man I look huge compared to them..  Look at my number B3178.. I can't believe that my lucky 3 numbers (137) are actually on my bib.. and how much luckier can you get with an 8?  I was destined to finish my race.

Anyway, being around over 28,000 running sure made my adrenaline pump.. there were 12,000 runners in the 10km division alone!  You can imagine that start off was a bit hectic.. it was staggered so by the time I reached the start line, it's been 6 minutes past 10.30pm.

I jogged.. and I jogged.. and I jogged.. until I hit 1km.. then I started walking! hahaha.. hey.. at least I managed 1km right?  And can you believe, when I hit the 2km mark, I heard the announcers say "and here comes the winner!"... WHAT!!  That's like only 20 minutes after I started!

What surprises me.. was that it took faster than I expected to complete a kilometer... They had marks every 2km telling you how far you've gone, and before I knew it, I was at 6km.. then 8km.. then 9km.. down to the final Kilometer.. that's when it suddenly got far.. I couldn't see the finish line at all!  I was walking and walking.. and it felt like forever.. then.. tadahhh.. I saw it!  30m away.. I sprinted.. I ran like there was no tomorrow.. and I crossed that line 1 hour 45 minutes after I started the race!  Pretty good if I do say so myself :)
And lookie what I got.. yes folks.. the one item that motivated me to go on and finish before the cut off time of 2 hours.. the finishers medal!  Man .. I'm so proud of myself for completing something that I thought was impossible.  And I'm proud to say 'tick that off my bucket list!'

The only after effect of the race?  My legs are so sore I can't lift them up.. which causes me to walk like a total spaz.. but would I do it again?  Hey.. I'm running 5km in 3 weeks for The Spring Live Active Run.  And I'm glad to inform.. that I'm actually looking forward to it.

Ta dahhhhhhhhhhhhh
To celebrate, my runners and I indulged in Champagne Brunch at St Regis hotel the next day.. ahhhhhhhhh.. it was awesome.
It was a buffet lunch which consisted of one main course, I chose the slow roasted pork belly.. a little bit too salty for my liking, but the summer vegetable that came with it was so light and fresh.. it was simply beautiful.

And there you have it, my latest adventure, which took place in Singapore. 


Of 12k runners in the 10km division, only 8952 completed the race.  So I'm in a pretty damn good position having completed the race!

Of 8952 runners who completed.. I came in at position number 8264! Woo hoo!! I beat 688 other runners!

Not a bad start for a first time marathon runner who hasn't done any training eh ;)

Tuesday 15 May 2012

New way to Move it Move it

About 3 months ago, I purchased an X-Box Kinect with my winnings from Chinese New Year gambling.  Made a killing that day.. haha.. so out i went to Games Mania in the Spring shopping mall, and found a great bundle for a steal.. It got me an X-Box, a Kinect AND two free games.. and I got the 40gb hard disk.. because it was like only RM200 more expensive than the one with 2gb hard disk.

Anyway, my excuse for buying an X-Box Kinect was to start Zumba on it.. to start exercising while feeling that it's not exercising.. well, I got the Zumba.. but I never turned on the X-Box console .. which meant.. no exercising.. 

But this all changed last night.. it was Sis's birthday and she was presented with this!
Just Dance 3!!!!  After feeling shy about it.. and a whole lot of alcohol.. I decided to try my moves.. and oh my gosh.. this was AWESOME FUN!!!  It's a great party game as it plays up to 4 people and the dance moves are not that complicated.

It's great workout as well, jumping around grooving to the music.. I was sweating like a pig!

It was hilarious watching people trying to get the steps.. and caveat.. no pictures on Facebook or blogs as I don't want to embarrass anyone.. especially myself! hahahaa

Great thing about this game is that it's created by Ubisoft, who is the same creator of Rayman Raving Rabbits (on Wii) which is another AWESOME party game.. 

Let's just say.. maybe after a few more sessions of this, I can show my stuff on a real dance floor! haha.. just kidding!

Monday 14 May 2012

Playing Dress Up

There's too few occasions to dress up now in Kuching now that wedding fever is over... apparently 2011 was a great year for that.  Well, never fear.. we can always dress up even though there is no occasion.. which was exactly what we did on May 12th.  A bunch of us girls decided to try out Hi-Tea (how posh!) at Merdeka Palace.. and what better occasion than to dress up?

I decided to wear my BCBG tutu paired with my Mphosis one shoulder top and finish it off with my Ninewest black pumps and giant hoop earrings (although not the biggest pair of hoops I have).  Honey.. I look damn hot if I do say so myself .. (hey.. I can be humble when I wanna be okay! :D)

Well, Hi-Tea turned out to be a flop.. the food was only 'A-OK'.. they had Penang Assam Laksa.. which I didn't try cos it was fish base (I hate things that are fishy) and luckily I didn't.. heard it was horrible.  They advertised 'scones with jam and cream'.. well, the only scones I saw were tossed into a bowl at the side of the buffet table.. as if it was a last thought.. no cream and jam to be seen.  Anyway.. washed it all down with a good beer.. although it wasn't that fantastic.. I still made a pig out of myself.

We moved on to Secret Garden for a drink or two..then decided that hey.. we wanna Karaoke!  So we went to Spring (don't you just love spontaneity?) and found out that we had to wait for an hour for an available room.. so us gals.. dressed up to the nines.. paraded around Spring until our poor feet almost gave out.. how people stand around all day in heels still baffles me.

Sang to my hearts content.. went home happy.. had a great night's sleep.. 

Overall.. a very great day.. gotsta love dressing up!

Sunday 13 May 2012

Happy Mothers Day

I think that I have the best mummy in the world.  She loves me unconditionally, and I've done many bad things in my life that I'm ashamed of now.. and her love for me has never wavered.

When I was in my teenage years.. yes.. I had teenage angst.. I took it out on everyone around me.. and she held strong and continued surrounding me with love, until I could be angry no more.

When I was in the hospital, it was her tears that brought me to the realization that I was hurting her more than I was hurting myself.

So mumsy.. even though I know that you don't read my blog.. I just want you to know that I love you.. VERY VERY MUCH.  Thank you for everything that you have given me, how much you have sacrificed for me.. and when I have kids.. I want to be a mum just like you.

We took her out to Toms to celebrate Mother's day as well as John's birthday.  We celebrated with a gorgeous French wine and I naturally had my ribeye steak, which was fantastic.  Not too bloody, and not too well done.. yes folks.. I now eat my meat MEDIUM-WELL.  No more charcoal! hahaha

We finished it off with a Baskin Robbins ice cream cake hand carried all the way back from Kuala Lumpur!  Crazy huh?  But it was absolutely delish!

Ended the night with more French wine at John's house.. where the boys were happily puffing away on their expensive cigars.. I was just there enjoying the sweetness of the red wine, and enjoying the company of course.

What a lovely day of celebration it is.

Tuesday 8 May 2012


Look what my brother-in-law found while flipping through the May edition of Malaysian Tatler...
OMG!!! I'm on Tatler again! hahaha.. this was taken during Sereni and Lloyd's wedding at the Old Courtyard.. (refer to my previous blogs).. I don't remember that picture being taken.. so I think it's a candid shot.. Thank goodness it turned out okay! hahaha.. although, only closer examination.. IS THAT A HUGE ZIT ON MY CHIN???  Unfortunately.. yes it is :( 

Other random-ness for the day..
  • Happy Birthday Mummy!  (Although I know you don't read my blog! hahaha)
  • Time to start training like mad for the marathon.. only 2 weeks to go!
  • I wonder if I can lose weight with my training?
  • Miss ya babies.. Momma loves ya!
  • How much wood can a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck can chuck wood????
Hahaha.. love this picture.. it's how I feel about life sometimes.. just want to blow it up.. and I think that's how this woodchuck is feeling.. just blow up the tree and forget about chucking it!

Monday 7 May 2012

Doggie Love Update

After spending 4 days in Manila, I was missing my babies heaps.. I kept starring at their photos on my phone, and counted the days until I see them again.. 
This is Maximus doing his 'downward dog' pose.. glad to see that he's no longer limping.. think he just had a sprain.. he was so happy to see me he came running at top speed.
Lightning looks so darling in this picture.. but look closer.. isn't that Lupo's head he's standing on?? hahaha.. yes.. the attention whore.. will step on anybody to get to you.
Unfortunately, the flash got too bright for Hunter, resulting in him closing his eyes.. but doesn't he just look so cute in this picture?  We're thinking of getting a clipper to cut his fur.. it's just getting too bushy and thick!
Lupo is definitely shy of the camera.. or maybe he just doesn't like things stuffed into his face.. haha.. such a gentle soul that one.. hates it when you go in for his nose though.. but I love squeezing it!

On Sunday.. I was continuing my stamina training on the Elliptical.. when big bro came running into the gym saying that the dogs made a jailbreak and ran for freedom.. Great.. the gardeners had opened their cage doors and Lightning and Lupo made the great escape.. to make matters worst.. the front gate of the house was open.. so they had free run of the entire neighborhood!!!

Lightning was easy to catch.. since he doesn't go out on his own.. he was afraid to venture.. just called his name and he came running into my arms for comfort.  Lupo on the other hand.. has a reputation of running straight.. as fast and as far as he can get.  Since he got like 3 mins head start.. I did not know where he took off too.. so in training for my marathon.. I started running.. I ran towards the neighborhood park, but stopped because the neighborhood park dog gang were not barking.. which means that Lupo did not pass by .. so I turned back and went into another lane.. whereby he was spotted prancing around someone's backyard.. great.. I sneaked in to catch him.. only to be caught by the owner.. she was nice though.. 'ooo.. lu eh kau hah'.. I'm just glad Lupo did not leave a BIG surprise in their lawn.

Finally caught him and told him "naughty boy.. lets go home" to which he replied "nooooowooooowoooooooo".. hahaha.. such a talker that one.

As for my marathon training.. 500m and I'm pooped.. sigh.. only 9.5km to go..

Sunday 6 May 2012

Airplane Companion 4

Is it 4 already?
The flight to Manila was uneventful, as I sat next to my sister.. but on the flight back, I had the pleasure of traveling business class.. and the day was full of disasters already...

Our flight was at 7.50am.. so we organized for a hotel limo to take us to the airport at 5.30am.. so when we rocked up at 5.20am, we got shocked face because "you cancelled it".. sigh.. they made a mistake in the booking, and when we were fixing it the night before.. I made it clear that NO, we did not want the 6pm car (if mean.. we were no more in Manila!).. we want the 5.30AM car.. okokok.. yes maam.  Imagine my shock to find out that they cancelled the 5.30am car and left the 6pm booking... 

So anyway, we FINALLY got a car at 6am.. and my sis.. pretty much screamed at the driver to get us to the airport in 15 minutes.. which he did.. and very nearly killed us all.. I mean he did it all.. running through red lights, driving on the curb.. thanks Jo.. thanks ALOT.. 

Now Manila Airport Terminal 1 was voted the WORST AIRPORT 2011.  Great right?  There was absolutely nothing in the airport.. and the Golden Lounge was on the OTHER side of the airport from our boarding gate.. so I didn't even get to utilize it.

Anyway, was so tired that I fell asleep the minute we boarded the plane.. only to wake up at 8.30am to find out that we haven't even taken off yet.  Not sure why, but we ended up taking off at 9am.  When we got to KL.. we headed straight to the Golden Lounge (thank you Gold Enrich Class!) and had a good meal and rested.. 

Then we boarded our flight to Kch on time.. YAY.. at 2pm.. we were supposed to land at 3.45pm.. only to find that Kuching was having a heavy downpour.. so we circled for 15 minutes.. only to be told that the rain was not easing.. so we had to divert and land IN SIBU!  We were there for half an hour.. before taking off again and finally .. finally landing in Kuching at 5.15pm.  I was never so happy to be home.

Naturally.. since I was in Business class.. I made a total pig out of myself.. eating every meal provided.. by dinner.. I wasn't even hungry.. and decided to skip it altogether.

Worst thing about the flight?  Snoring Sam.. who sat on the row behind me.. fell asleep from the moment we took off from Manila.. and snored the entire way to KL... like serious mouth wide open snorting growling snore.  I pity the poor guy who sat next to him.. felt like throwing a spitball in his mouth or something.. hahahahaha

But yeah.. that was my flight experience.. thank goodness I was in Business Class :)

Shopping in Manila

Unfortunately, I wasn't very interested in shopping in Manila.. there was nothing that I needed to buy.. and things weren't exactly cheap!  But we did get to walk around.. and lookie what I spy..
Beer for a Crumpler bag!!!  No idea what they meant .. does that mean I get to buy a Crumpler bag with beer.. or do they mean I get a beer for donating a Crumpler bag?  Anyway.. anything with beer as currency can't be that bad!

We ended up going to the Mall of Asia.. which was big.. but somewhat lacking a 'wow' moment when we visited it.
It wasn't very hmm.. what's the word.. classy :P it was suited for the demographics I guess.. 

Oh.. how we got to Mall of Asia?
A Jeepney!  That silver car in the picture.. it's like a hop on hop off bus.. and I'm just kidding.. no way would I sit in the back of a jeepney.. it's like sucking 3 cigarettes in a course of 10 minutes.  But that's how the local travels.. and it's not a rare sight to see a jeepney packed to the max.. like the one above.  But they're everywhere.. some even immaculately decorated.. but we were going too fast.. I couldn't take any nice pictures..  

Next day, we went to GreenBelt shopping mall.. which was fancier.. but still wasn't interested.. so we had a Japanese dinner.. where I had a really nice Lychee Saketini.. and then we walked around and went back to the hotel where we had to wake up at 4.30am the next day to catch our flight.

The things about shops in Manila is that it's nothing that I can't find in Kuching.. so it wasn't very appealing to me.  That, and I had a grand total of 6000 Pesos (about RM500) in my wallet.. didn't want to spend it! hahaha

I'll end with my Porky meal.. something that is a must in Manila, where Pork is their staple.  PrincessBling would be in heaven..

Sorry.. didn't know how to rotate the picture :P

Manila - The Philippines!

I had the pleasure of exploring a brand new country (yay.. tick it off my list of countries visited!) which was Manila, Philippines!  We were there to attend a seminar.. so this was not a leisure trip.  We took off on Labour Day at 10.40am to KL and then arriving in Manila at 5.20pm (yes, it took a whole day).. one thing that struck me about Manila airport is that it is very similar to Ho Chi Minh.. whereby people couldn't wait inside the building for friends and family.. they had to wait in a designated area OUTSIDE the building.
This is the view of Manila from my hotel room.. unfortunately, as most of the time we were stuck in the conference room, I wasn't able to take picture of Manila in the day time.. and since I had so stupidly forgotten my Camera.. I had to rely on my Blackberry, which couldn't do justice at night.

What stuck me about Manila is the cleanliness of the place.. for a underdeveloped country, it's really clean.  Roads were made from concrete and there were just no rubbish thrown on the side of the road!!!

And what reminded me of Ho Chi Minh again.. was the fact that drivers here.. were.. CRAZY!  Oh my gosh.. I was better off riding with my eyes closed!  What's the point of having lines on the road when no one follows it?  Drivers in Philippines have to be very confident on the size of the car, because they come INCHES away from the other car.

The seminar/workshop I attended was based on successes of a business... from execution to hiring to retaining.  I thought it was really useful.
 I had my very own name placard! hahaha.. I always get really 'sakai' with those things!

It was organized by the EO (Entrepreneur's Organization) group and there was a pretty good turnout.  Unfortunately.. waking up everyday at 7am.. meant that I had quite a bit of trouble staying awake at the 'dry' bits!

I never went hungry in Philippines.. we had 5 meals a day!  Ideally.. that's what the doctor prescribe for healthy eating.. but that's eating 5 SMALL meals a day :P.. we were full on eating all the time!  (No wonder I had a heart attack when I came home and stepped on the scale!)

On the last day, before they closed the seminar/workshop.. they had a surprise for us!
BALUT!!!!  Now I had this before in Vietnam, and I thought it wasn't too bad.. actually liked the 'soup' in the boiled egg.. tasted just like chicken essence.  The difference between Vietnam and Philippines.. Vietnam was Chicken egg.. Philippines was Duck egg.

Anyway, I was brazen enough to try it.. I mean.. I liked the Vietnam version.. how bad can this be?  Until they showed us this picture.... 
AHHHHHHHHHHHH... how on earth am I going to enjoy it now that I've seen that?!?!?  That is totally disgusting.  Anyway, still brazen.. I took an egg and cracked it open.. drank the 'soup'.. which was horribly tasteless.. peeled open my hard boiled egg.. to find... FEATHERS!!!!!!!!!!! Continued to peel the egg.. only to find something mushy.. which had me squealing and dropping the egg.. lastly.. as I moved in to bite the yolk area.. something squirted out.  My experience with the balut?  It ended up inside the tissue paper...

Okay.. special request.. not for the faint hearted.....