Monday 7 May 2012

Doggie Love Update

After spending 4 days in Manila, I was missing my babies heaps.. I kept starring at their photos on my phone, and counted the days until I see them again.. 
This is Maximus doing his 'downward dog' pose.. glad to see that he's no longer limping.. think he just had a sprain.. he was so happy to see me he came running at top speed.
Lightning looks so darling in this picture.. but look closer.. isn't that Lupo's head he's standing on?? hahaha.. yes.. the attention whore.. will step on anybody to get to you.
Unfortunately, the flash got too bright for Hunter, resulting in him closing his eyes.. but doesn't he just look so cute in this picture?  We're thinking of getting a clipper to cut his fur.. it's just getting too bushy and thick!
Lupo is definitely shy of the camera.. or maybe he just doesn't like things stuffed into his face.. haha.. such a gentle soul that one.. hates it when you go in for his nose though.. but I love squeezing it!

On Sunday.. I was continuing my stamina training on the Elliptical.. when big bro came running into the gym saying that the dogs made a jailbreak and ran for freedom.. Great.. the gardeners had opened their cage doors and Lightning and Lupo made the great escape.. to make matters worst.. the front gate of the house was open.. so they had free run of the entire neighborhood!!!

Lightning was easy to catch.. since he doesn't go out on his own.. he was afraid to venture.. just called his name and he came running into my arms for comfort.  Lupo on the other hand.. has a reputation of running straight.. as fast and as far as he can get.  Since he got like 3 mins head start.. I did not know where he took off too.. so in training for my marathon.. I started running.. I ran towards the neighborhood park, but stopped because the neighborhood park dog gang were not barking.. which means that Lupo did not pass by .. so I turned back and went into another lane.. whereby he was spotted prancing around someone's backyard.. great.. I sneaked in to catch him.. only to be caught by the owner.. she was nice though.. 'ooo.. lu eh kau hah'.. I'm just glad Lupo did not leave a BIG surprise in their lawn.

Finally caught him and told him "naughty boy.. lets go home" to which he replied "nooooowooooowoooooooo".. hahaha.. such a talker that one.

As for my marathon training.. 500m and I'm pooped.. sigh.. only 9.5km to go..

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