Sunday 27 May 2012

Sundown Marathon 2012

In a pure moment of craziness, I signed up for a 10km run in Singapore.. wayyyyy back in March 2012.  I wasn't sure what I was thinking, but perhaps it was unconscious decision to put one more tick towards my bucket list.  So anyway, I started training (Somewhat) on 1st May 2012 and the race was on 26th May 2012.. start time of 10.30pm.. yes.. that's why it's called Sun DOWN marathon.
I was actually really excited.. then scared... then nervous for the race.  I spent all afternoon sleeping just so I will stay awake for the run!  Of course, I had to look good.. so I bought a headband from Nike, a sports top from Reebok, and my pants from Nike, together with my Salomon shoes.. and the official running shirt from Sundown.
This is my running buddies.. man I look huge compared to them..  Look at my number B3178.. I can't believe that my lucky 3 numbers (137) are actually on my bib.. and how much luckier can you get with an 8?  I was destined to finish my race.

Anyway, being around over 28,000 running sure made my adrenaline pump.. there were 12,000 runners in the 10km division alone!  You can imagine that start off was a bit hectic.. it was staggered so by the time I reached the start line, it's been 6 minutes past 10.30pm.

I jogged.. and I jogged.. and I jogged.. until I hit 1km.. then I started walking! hahaha.. hey.. at least I managed 1km right?  And can you believe, when I hit the 2km mark, I heard the announcers say "and here comes the winner!"... WHAT!!  That's like only 20 minutes after I started!

What surprises me.. was that it took faster than I expected to complete a kilometer... They had marks every 2km telling you how far you've gone, and before I knew it, I was at 6km.. then 8km.. then 9km.. down to the final Kilometer.. that's when it suddenly got far.. I couldn't see the finish line at all!  I was walking and walking.. and it felt like forever.. then.. tadahhh.. I saw it!  30m away.. I sprinted.. I ran like there was no tomorrow.. and I crossed that line 1 hour 45 minutes after I started the race!  Pretty good if I do say so myself :)
And lookie what I got.. yes folks.. the one item that motivated me to go on and finish before the cut off time of 2 hours.. the finishers medal!  Man .. I'm so proud of myself for completing something that I thought was impossible.  And I'm proud to say 'tick that off my bucket list!'

The only after effect of the race?  My legs are so sore I can't lift them up.. which causes me to walk like a total spaz.. but would I do it again?  Hey.. I'm running 5km in 3 weeks for The Spring Live Active Run.  And I'm glad to inform.. that I'm actually looking forward to it.

Ta dahhhhhhhhhhhhh
To celebrate, my runners and I indulged in Champagne Brunch at St Regis hotel the next day.. ahhhhhhhhh.. it was awesome.
It was a buffet lunch which consisted of one main course, I chose the slow roasted pork belly.. a little bit too salty for my liking, but the summer vegetable that came with it was so light and fresh.. it was simply beautiful.

And there you have it, my latest adventure, which took place in Singapore. 


Of 12k runners in the 10km division, only 8952 completed the race.  So I'm in a pretty damn good position having completed the race!

Of 8952 runners who completed.. I came in at position number 8264! Woo hoo!! I beat 688 other runners!

Not a bad start for a first time marathon runner who hasn't done any training eh ;)

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