Tuesday 9 October 2012


The extreme fear of spiders... Yes, unfortunately, I have this intense fear of spiders.. they're gross..they're creepy crawlies and they look sinister, and one can have me dashing out of the room to find mosquito spray to zap them away.

I'm not going to be posting up any pictures of spiders on my blog.. as I don't want disgusting things to be featured on my blog.. and I'm definitely not going to scare myself sourcing for pictures of spiders.. and scare you readers into reading my blog!  But I have a tale to tell...

I was contemplating wearing a Zara dress for the wedding dinner I had to attend last night.  The dress was hanging at the back of my bathroom door since I last wore it to Keith's birthday party on the 21st September 2012.  The dress was inside out (yes, I am that slack) so turning it back to the right way, I notice a white mark (about the size of a 50 cent coin).. wondering what it was.. I took a closer look and realised that it was a spider's nest!  On even closer inspection, I realise that a spider was LIVING IN THERE... with what I can only describe as eggs/larvae.. because it was CRAWLING!! OMG OMG OMG.. I've never been so freaked out in my life.. I threw the dress into the sink and turn the water to maximum HOT.. and flushed out the spider.. watching with satisfaction as it went down the sink hole.. then I ran the eggs/larvae under the hot water and hopefully it died a painful death.. then I threw the dress on the floor and ran out the bathroom.. I don't think I ever want to wear that dress ever again!

I remember always having this fear of spiders.. when we were young.. PrincessBling, AlanHarperIsMyIdol, CryptKeeper and I used to play on tree tops (sorta like a mini tree house we built) and one day, we saw this TINY spider on the tree trunk and it sent us scrambling down the tree in 5 seconds.. needless to say, that was the last time we ever played on that tree.. 

There was also that time when we were watching the movie Arachnophobia.. yeah yeah.. why would I watch a movie about something so disgusting.. well..it was interesting.. haha.. and I totally recalled screaming out loud when the spider jumped on the girl who was taking a shower.. 

And then there was this newsarticle about a lady who had a spider living in her ear for 5 days before finally seeking treatment for 'itchiness'.. they took a picture of it in her ear.. and all I saw were the sinister looking 8 set of eyes.. (or was it four?) ANYWAY... it was DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I hope to never be in that position EVER!

YUCKS... I hate spiders...

Sorry to all the spider lovers out there.. but my intense fear and hatred of them has prompted me to speak out! hahaha


  1. LOL totally remember watching Arachnophobia at home and my grandma laughing in delight and excitement when the spider jumped on the woman in the shower...

  2. EWWWWWWWWW! So shocked and grossed out I had to read your story twice to believe it. Nastyyyyyy.... For a moment I thought you were gonna post sick spider pic LOL.
