Wednesday 17 October 2012

Baby Ashton Ting

At 9.27am on the 17th October 2012, we welcomed baby Ashton Ting into the world.  He came into the world peeing and crying (according to my sister)..
Isn't he adorable?  He looks just like a mix between Samantha and Tyler, with my dad's nose.. hahaha.. he inherited the Ling nose :P

He's a hefty one, weighing in at 3.62kgs, and he's opened his eyes by evening time, giving everyone there a suspicious look :)

This is my first encounter with a newborn baby.. I only saw Ashley when she was 4 months old, Samantha when she was one month old, and Tyler when he was one years old!  I came back from Sydney for his birthday, where a seriously cute Samantha (then 2 years old) came up to me and said "I have a present for you, but it's at home".. ahh.. her very first lie to me.  hahaha.. just kidding.. I'm surprise she even spoke to me.. having not seen me since she was one?  I certainly don't remember her as a child.. then again, I don't remember all of them as a baby.. ahhhh this memory of mine.  Too much alcohol I tell you :P

Anyway, don't think I'll dare carry Ashton because he's so tiny and fragile.. I'm afraid that I would make him uncomfortable and he'll squirm and drop out of my hands or something as drastic as that.. I hope to bond with this kid, and I'm sure I will not spoil him.. but I'm definitely going to be one of the best aunts out there :)

Congratulations Chia and Johnny.. welcome to baby no 4.. Ashton Ting.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously.. Someone please post a cleaned up baby picture!!!
