Sunday 7 October 2012

Tatler Ball presents......

ME!  Hahaha yes.. the Tatler Ball had finally occurred.. and I had a Ball (no pun intended) at the Ball.. what I love most about the Ball is dressing up.. like it's a transformation from plain to wonderful.. in an instant.. you look gorgeous behind the thick wall of makeup (okay.. not being humble here.. but I needed little makeup :P)...

Let's start with the flight to KL.. my flight was at 4.05pm.. and at 3.30pm.. the heaviest downpour that I've seen lately decided to pay us a visit.. visibility was down to 0 meters and in the brief occasions where I could see through the rain.. I swear the runway was getting flooded.. all I could see were waves of water on the runway as the wind howled.. needless to say.. all flights were grounded.. time for take off went from 5.40pm to 5.50pm to 6.30pm til 7.50pm.. until we finally took off at 8.20pm.. yes.. I was stuck in the airport for 4 hours! Thank goodness for Golden Lounge (yay Gold Enrich membership card!) so I was able to sit comfortably on couches while waiting for the flight to take off.. why the huge delay? Well, the safety landing system got struck by lightning and was down for 2 and a half hours.. so all flights were diverted to Sibu as no planes could land in Kuching.. so when it's finally fixed, we had to wait for flights to come in from Sibu.  By the time I got to KL, I was looking washed out (and a zit decided to pop out on my chin!) and so exhausted that all thoughts of room service and pampering myself went out the window.. by the time I got to ShangriLa hotel, I was spent.. took a shower and went to bed .. which by that time was 12am already...

Woke up at 9am on Saturday (wow, how nice was it to sleep in!) and decided to treat myself to a RM76 buffet breakfast.  After paying and viewing the food selection, I was sorely disappointed.. I wanted the Western selection, but it was so focused on Asian (who eats roast duck for breakfast?) and Indian (vegetarian for breakfast??) that the only thing Western they had were sausages and bake beans, and a small amount of beef bacon.. I headed for the carbs section (bread bread bread galore) and pigged out on buns and croissants.. before realizing that I shouldn't binge and put on weight before the night as the dress just might not fit.. so I bet I ate like RM15 worth of breakfast only.. what a waste..

Then I jumped in a cab to MidValley to check out their Cuisinart selection (there were none.. stupid website lied) and decided to get an upper lip wax.. but had to wait 2 hours before my appointment, so I walked and walked and walked til my feet ached.. bought a new 2000 piece jigsaw puzzle though.. by the time I got back to the hotel, it was 2pm and I was sleepy (Again!) and hungry.. decided to take the nap first.. then woke up at 3pm when my sister arrived.. ordered room service (more carbs.. pizza!) and then Frederick the makeup Artist came at 4pm.. he was half an hour early.. I hadn't even showered yet!  So while he was putting on makeup for Jo, I hopped into the shower.. very mindful of not wetting my gorgeously permed hair... (you can never trust shower caps these days) and hopped out and waited for my turn...
Here's the after picture of me with my falsies all done up.. my falsies are cool.. they're longer at the ends which totally spikes up and looks so long..  but love the whole cam whoring effect on my new camera.. 
And the side view....
Here's a side view of me.. looking all ready for the ball isn't it?  Don't you think my eyebrows are like super thick?  That's like the first thing I kept seeing.. eyebrows!
Photo Bomb!
This is a picture of Jo after she's done her makeup.. she had blue makeup on.. while I had pink makeup on to match my dress.. Jo brought along two dresses cos she just couldn't make up her mind.. in the end, she wore the gold dress that she had promised a friend that she would wear it.. (marketing and all)..

Frederick didn't want to go dark with my make up because my dress is so light in colour.. and we used this new product by Shu Umera that made our faces glow (although some might think it's just greasy) and no powder (to affect the glow).. 

I am an Angel sent from God... *Touched By An Angel*
Love the light effect on my hair.. but that's my look with my hair down.. I'm so glad AlanHarperIsMyIdol convinced me to perm my hair 2 weeks prior to the Tatler Ball.. cos it's looking awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

 This is the full length look with me posing in my dress... I can't believe all the hard work paid off and I could zip the dress again!

An upclose look on the jewellery I borrowed from my mother.. coincidentally, it's the same necklace that PrincessBling wore on her wedding day :)
That's my cousin Valery.. I took her as my date.. just to open up her eyes to new experiences.. she enjoyed herself :)
That's right... Malaysia Tatler!  Of course I had to pose infront of that picture.. hahaha.. sorry it's so far back that you can't really see my face...

That's Jo, Valery, myself and Jacqueline (Miss Malaysia 1995) - Yes.. she still brings that up quite often..  My mum saw this picture and was like 'who's that really pretty girl in light pink?' and I'm like 'mummy.. that's me' and she's like 'wahh.. so pretty'.. and then comes the inevitable 'so how come no boyfriend?' ROFL... right mummy... 
 And that's Olivia added to that picture..she's wearing a Farrah Khan dress that looked stunning on her.. although she likened herself to one of her aunties.. hahaha.. no sweetie.. we ain't that old...

We stood around for and hour and a half having cocktails before being brought into the dining room.. where the decoration was fabulous...wish I could say more on the food.. but I think this year they up the budget for decoration and lowered the budget for food...

1. First course = ceviche of prawn and scallop, with edamame soup and lobster
2. Second course = Tomato and Enoki Mushroom consume in Winter Melon bowl (tasted like water with tomato in it)
3. Third course = pumpkin sorbet (cleans the pallet)
4. Fourth course = veal with taru puff (too gamey.. and the puff was like.. what the?)
5. Fifth course = chocolate mousse cake with pistachio ice cream and apricot donut (yum!)

Sorry I don't have pictures of the food.. it wasn't very fascinating to look at.

The evening went on like normal.. we waited forever for the photo booth cos some aunty didn't think she look pretty in the picture (honey.. you ain't pretty in real life already.. rofl.. mean) and then there's this Eurasion girl just standing there waiting and doing the Gangnam dance.. man did I feel embarrassed for her.  She might think that she looked cool doing it.. but no one can look cool doing Gangnam.. Unfortunately, they only gave one picture.. so Valery took it as a keepsake for the night.

My feet were totally killing for standing so long.. the minute I sat.. I took off my shoes.. there was a slight wardrobe malfunction when Valery stepped on one of my tulle 'tails'..and ripped it halfway.. luckily it wasn't noticeable.. but we both froze when we heard the 'rippppppppppppppp'.. and the kepoh toilet lady came running and going 'aiyoh.. what happened?' and kept checking it out and saying 'cannot tell lah'.. like lady.. stop starring at my ass..

I was sorely disappointed that I didn't make it on the dance floor because of my feet.. but I certainly had fun that night.. 

I called at night at midnight (before I turn into a pumpkin) and walked barefoot back to my room a happy chap.. I love functions like this.. I just hope I'm invited for another round next year!


  1. Love the photobomb pic! Haha did you know u were in it?

    You didn't mention how stalker-ish I was when your phone died and I didn't know and tracked you down by calling your hotel!!

    Sad I missed the event though. But glad that at least our first tatler ball was the best and I went to that! Love the dress! Awesome pics and yah.. Very pretty. :)

    1. Photo bombs always know when they are in the picture :)

  2. Nice dress! And the glowy Shu Uemura face thing!

  3. Other stories I forgot to add:
    1) There was this pregnant lady with the weirdest looking belly.. it was so low and protruding out I swear her baby was gonna drop out of her any minute.. and everyone wanted a picture with her.. everytime I saw her, she's in a photo session with another person.. wow..
    2) PrincessBling was so kinteo when she couldn't reach me (cos my phone batt had died and cos my flight was delayed) she actually called the hotel looking for me at 12am! I freaked out when the phone rang, thinking there's something wrong with my reservation/room or something.
    3) My feet were bloodied after walking around in my Ferragamo shoes all day.. another factor that totally killed my feet that night
    4) Gangnam style was the highlight of the night.. I still cringe when I think of that lady doing the Gangnam Style outside the photobooth.. poor chap.. thinking she looked so cool..

    1. Eh if u think that girl doing Gangnam style is cringeworthy, imagine doctors and nurses blasting it on Youtube and doing it at my ER. Shudderrrrr.... A sight I never wanna see ever again....@~@

  4. Lol first thing you see is eyebrows... I was wondering and couldn't figure out why you looked so different. Not used to seeing you with different eyebrows! XD

    Was going to compliment you on gorgeous glowing skin! ;p

    Why no boyfriend? Guys too intimidated lor. Know you are out of their leaque mah...
