Monday 8 October 2012

Now What....

That's right.. now what?  Now that Tatler Ball is over, do I go back to over-indulging in food and laziness again?  After all, there is no more goal in sight.. no more dress that I need to fit in.. 

GASP.. of course it's not over with the gym.. there's many more goals to attain..  firstly.. how about to get that body of a Goddess?  I realise now that even though the weight loss is not reflected on the scale.. yes.. I still weigh myself twice a day.. it's reflected in the overall appearance.. for one.. you look extremely tone.. all the fats are turned to muscle and you are much much trimmer.. and never forget.. MUSCLE IS HEAVIER THAN FAT!   So I'm hoping that in the last month, I'm building muscle rather than losing fat.  Cos if it was just losing fat, it creeps back easily.. trust me.. I lost fat last year and it all came gushing back after a trip to USA and Japan!

I therefore, pledge to continue working out at the gym.. with an average loss of 600 Kcals per session.  I vow to continue gymming in USA with PrincessBling, as to not overindulge and put on tons of weight like I did at the beginning of the year.

As for now what... OMG.. so many things coming up!

I just had a meeting with Permanis Sandilands, the distributor of Pepsi products such as Gatorade, Bleu water, Revive Isotonic..  Basically, we set up a contract that has me commit my juice bar to his store and stock only his products.. (he wanted me to stock Twister fruit juices, until I told him that I'm doing fresh juices!).. and he provides me with a fridge and the drinks on a 30 day credit term.  This is so exciting.. it's all coming together.. 

Now I just have to get my business registered.. apparently, IRD (inland revenue department) feels that my name 'Activate!' doesn't make sense.  Must it make sense?  And besides, I thought it was totally fitting as a gym store.. hopefully they will come to their senses and approve the name.  I'm going to register a partnership with my sister.  From there, things will be moving fast.. as I now only have 15 days (2 weeks! Ekkk!) before I fly off to USA.. that means I need to get things sorted out NOW.. better get that fridge in and find out where the renovation is at and whether I can move in my stuff now.. 

Oh yeah.. and there's the coffee maker as well.. and the freezer..  so much to do.. so little time to do it..

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