Tuesday 3 April 2012

Japan - Tokyo Day 4

Day 4 we went to Mt Fuji.  The best thing about our trip was that it was clear skies all the way, we could actually see the entire mountain.  Did you know that that only happens 76 days out of the year?  Man were we lucky..

We departed for the 5th Station at Mt Fuji, but it was too icy so we only managed to get to the 4th station.. sucky thing was that the shopping was on the 5th station.. there was only a tiny kiosk on the 4th Station.

We had Japanese set lunch again and then we headed back to Toyko, where we went to the Metropolitan Government Building to see the entire Tokyo.  I didn't take any pictures, but it was breathtaking.. Japan is just so huge and condensed!

We later headed on to Shinjuku for some shopping.  We were to meet at exactly 6.30pm to head to the dinner place at 7pm (we were walking).. and guess who didn't show up by 6.30pm?  Yes.. Datin and her daughter.  Turns out they were too busy shopping at H&M.. boy was Edwin pissed.  But that's like so typical Datin behavior.. only care about herself.

Dinner was held in a basement and was Chinese.. I didn't enjoy it cos they were practically throwing food at your table every 10 seconds.. and we felt like we had to eat in a rush.. in fact.. the entire Chinese dinner (about 9 courses) finished in 30 minutes.  It was simply ridiculous.  Experienced this last time I was in Japan too.. what's with Chinese and rushing people?

We checked back in to Keio Plaza Hotel again for the night, and I bought a chocolate eclair that was coated in gold dust.. it was YUMMY.. too bad I was so full that I only managed half of it.  And we tried the Japanese layered cake.. can't recall what it's called.. but it's nothing to rave home about.. the layers were so thin that it's like a sponge cake.. hahaha..


  1. Amazing pics! Especially the one of your parents in front of Fujisan. Any pics of gold eclair? I am very interested haha. Did u take pics of Shinjuku? :D

  2. We saw the entire mountain on a day with clear skies too... not to mention from the plane :) Love Japan!

    Yeah, any pictures of Shinjuku - it was one of the places we wanted to go but didn't get to... boo.

  3. Oooh, forgot, did you see any WEIRD in Aokigahara (haunted forest around Mt Fuji) - passed through it last time and our tour guide told us about how sometimes people see extra faces in their photos (antu) and we tried taking so many pics and vids but there was nothing.... :C

  4. Sorry guys.. too busy running around shopping to take pictures.. we were only given 1 hour to shop! I didn't even make it to Hermes cos I was busy looking for souvenirs.. ended up buying Jap biscuits for the office staff! hahaha

    And yes, we did pass by the forest.. looked pretty tame to me.. ahaha.. and no.. no extra FACES!
