Wednesday 22 February 2012

Why ChanelFan

Alright, here's my explanation of my pseudo-name ChanelFan.. it's simple, I'm a Chanel fan through and through!!

Latest Limited Edition Set 2012
I love all things Chanel, make up AND bags!  Take a look at the newest limited edition offerings from Chanel Make up.. I WANT IT!!!!  Now I am going to USA tomorrow so guess which make up counter I'll be making a direct beeline to at Duty Free!

What about Chanel bags I hear you ask?  Well, I'm the proud owner of 2 and a half Chanel bags at the moment.. why half?  Cos I have to share it with the rest of my family.. so maybe it should be 1/7 rather than 1/2.  Make that 1/5 (since I'm sure the guys won't be going around carrying it!)

Recently, I became the proud owner of the Chanel Shopping Bag..

Yes, the bag that I longed to have for ages is finally in my possession!  Of course, I do not carry it every day.. don't want it to be the victim of wear and tear so soon you know!  What's the other bag that I share with my family?  It's the Chanel Gold Large Shopping Bag!

I can't find a picture of the right shade of gold, but it's darker than the picture above.. but that's the bag alright!  It's absolutely gorgeous, though the chain straps makes the bag a tad bit heavy to carry for long periods.. especially when you stuff an Ipad inside it as well! hahaha... 

I have my eyes set on this now.. 

That's right people!!  A Chanel Organizer!  I saw this in Marina Bay Sands Singapore and totally fell in love with it.. so now.. although the year has already started, I'm saving up for this baby!

So there you have it, my Chanel Collection.. it all started wayyyyy back in 2008, where my twin sister PrincessBling gave me my very first Chanel wallet..

Ain't it a Beauty?  Yes I love you PrincessBling.  And OMG, how could I forget my splurge on Chanel Earrings?  This was during a time when I was a class act shopaholic.. and decided there and then that I wanted a pair of Chanel Earrings.. yes.. I was a spoilt little thing for awhile..

But isn't that just so gorgeous that you had to get it?  Don't worry, I have curb my shopaholic ways.. somewhat.. haha.. but I'm more on top of my finances now than I ever was!  Good thing too.. maybe I should start a Shopaholic's Anonymous! hahaha


Sunday 19 February 2012

Tyler's Birthday!

What do you give to a spoilt brat who has everything in the world he wants/needs?  Well, this year I insisted that I wasn't going to give pressies.. but you know me.. I'm too nice..LOL.. So I got him.. a telescope!!!!!  What 6 year old can say that they got their very own telescope?  I hope he uses it for astrology purposes and not the dirty old man purpose..

Anyway, when I arrived, all he saw was the present and proceeded to snatch it away without so much of a 'Thanks' until I stopped him and insisted he say 'Thank you!'  Hmm... how rude.. 

Anyway, the moment you have been waiting for (and I).. the dressing up time!  I decided to go with only top lashes this time.. don't want to over do it too much to a 6 year old birthday bash..

Sorry, couldn't get a nice enough side profile shot.. but you can somewhat see the eyelashes in here.. it looks really nat-ural.  Paired with my Chanel earrings and ta-dah! 
Here I am!  All dolled up and ready to party like a princess.  Unfortunately, somehow I got assigned party games coordinating.. so imagine being babysitter to a bunch of 6 year old for the afternoon.. draggggggggg... I much rather be drinking and socializing with people my age!!!!!

Photo Booth !!!

Guess what they had at Sereni and Lloyd's wedding?  A photo booth!! AWESOME!

 This is me and Karen having a little fun, and me and all the gals stuffed into a photo booth.. felt like a clown car the way we were piled inside! hahaha.. 

But it was awesome fun taking pictures.. we should have this at every wedding!

Friday 17 February 2012

Falsies - Sereni & Lloyd's wedding

As promised, here's some of my look/portfolio :P on my makeup during Sereni & Lloyd's wedding.  I stole this picture from Cryptkeeper's blog, because she was the one with the camera.. much better than my lousy Blackberry camera!

Lookie how long my lashes are.. I thought it was hilarious when I was talking to Cryptkeeper after meeting up with her.. I noticed that she was starring at me.. and I asked her "what are you starring at?" and she said she couldn't tell if I was wearing falsies, or mascara.. but it looked really natural!  Why thank you ma'am!

Had a great time chatting with Cryptkeeper.. had yummy steak with even yummier mushroom sauce and 555 sour drink.. oh what a day of indulgence.. you can tell by my rather satisfied look below..
Boo!  This is what I look like overall when I met up with Cryptkeeper!  Wish there was something better I could do with my hair... hmm.. next project maybe??

Thursday 16 February 2012

Lloyd and Sereni's Wedding Tea Party - Part 2

Here's part 2 of the tales of Lloyd and Sereni's tea garden party.  Omg.. we had awesome fun.. it started with a sit down around gingham blankets placed around the garden setting of Magna Carta (Old courthouse) with a basket of pizza, sandwich, fish n chips etc.. and we sat around just munching and chatting.. I naturally headed towards the bar and came back with empty glasses and a whole bottle of champers!  LOVE!
Here's the the group of gals that just wanna hang out in the sun and party!

The weather was threatening to brood and storm, but it didn't, making it a perfect weather for this out door setting.  There was a photo booth where we went and took wacky pictures of ourselves with eyeglasses, mustaches and so on.. but boy was it hot in that booth.. we were sweating like mad in there.. although maybe that's cos we packed like 5 girls in there..

Each female guest left with a custom made Sereni & Shentel headband which I thought was lovely.  And they gave out Picnic chocolates too!

Needless to say, I left happy.. and buzzing!  Totally love my cute dress.. great color I'll say :D

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Lloyd and Sereni's Wedding Tea Party - Part 1

How's this for something unique?  Lloyd and Sereni are having a garden picnic for their wedding.. it's going to be held at the Old Court House @ 4pm and I am invited!  Can't wait.. however, that means going to work in the full get up.. oh well.. beauty like mine can't be hidden :P

Hmm... wonder what I'm looking at.. hahaha.. but this is me with full gear on.. although I ended up not using the hairband as I thought that it was too OTT.. looks natural enough for day time right?

I'm wearing my Forever New sundress with my pink opal Bowerhaus that my generous sister (with the help of Bowerhaus founders Shentel and Lizzie) gave to me for my birthday!  LOVE!!!  Put on a pair of nude pumps, but replaced it with slippers until it's time for the actual function!  I love my lip color, which is kinda bronzy pink from Shu Umera.. Thank you Frederick!

Sorry guys, no up close on the falsies this time.. was in a rush and couldn't seem to grab a good picture!  Falsies were kinda a rush job as well.. but it's pretty good! 

More to come when I catch up with Cryptkeeper for dinner.. and hopefully will be able to take more photos of the tea party!


Tuesday 14 February 2012

Skinny Me

There was a time that I got too skinny.. 46kgs to be exact.. which is pretty light for my 171cm stature!  It's a long story about how I became this skinny, and maybe one day I'll feel ready to talk about it, but not now.. totally lollipop syndrome!

ChanelFan, Ivy, PrincessBling
This picture was taken during Chinese New Year 2009.. yet again, I'm wearing a BCBG gown, and so is PrincessBling.  Look how skinny my arms are.. but then I got really sick and needed to put on weight.

These days, I'm at healthy weight.. (xx kgs)after a few years of struggle.. and mind you.. I'm still struggling..

Indulging in my favorite past time!
And there is never a day that passes by that I still don't wish that I am back to being that skinny.. 

But I'm taking good care of myself now (albeit the heavy drinking.. but that's a whole 'nother story!) and I'm watching my diet.. still aim to lose a few kgs, but no rush to do so.. Chinese New Year this year totally killed my diet too.. haha.. can't believe I can put on weight so fast.. then again, alcohol is empty calories!


Olivia's Birthday - Sibu

In 2011, we celebrated Olivia's Birthday in Sibu, a small town about 45 minutes flight from Kuching.  The theme was gold and it was held at Cafe Cafe, a really chick restaurant near Sibu's waterfront.  Oh boy.. can't wait for a chance to get made up!

Don't we look hot?  We started the day with a hair wash, which is why all our hair is curly.. this was pre-falsies discovery days.. so I wasn't wearing it.. but love how the light reflexes off our faces giving it a glow..

No doubt about it that we're sisters eh?  Of course, we were all photo whoring, which is why none of us are looking at the camera taking that shot.. but that's why I like it so much.. it's not posed and it's candid (well, we were posing for another camera..)

And that BCBG dress I'm wearing.. originally costs SGD799.. bought it for SGD99... BARGAIN!!!!!!!!!

If you're wondering why the name BCBG keeps popping out throughout my blog, it's because BCBG Maxazaria is one of my favorite brands.. they do stylish gowns and flirty dresses, with a price tag that SOMETIMES won't break the bank.

Ahhh.. sisterly bonding...

Valentine's Day - Ask and Ye Shall Receive

It's 14th February 2012.. Valentine's day.  The reason why PrincessBling left Kuching so early.. to make it back to her hubby on Valentine's day.  How do I feel about Valentines?  Well, can't say much.. never celebrated it.. I feel that when one is in love, every day should be Valentine's Day..  Cliche I know.. but it's true in my honest opinion.

But this year....

I got a rose!!!!  Okay.. so maybe I did ASK for it.. but hey.. they didn't have to comply!  So, have my sentiments for Valentines Day change after receiving my first rose?

Oh hell no!  I still feel the same.. I feel that when the time comes when I truly fall in love, I will feel that every day is Valentine's Day.

So where's my Prince Charming?

Getting sappy.. I know I can dwell deeper and be more emotional, but I'm going to keep this blog light and airy.. as not to bore you guys! hahaha...

Paging Prince Charming........

Sunday 12 February 2012

Steamboat - ahh.. pleasures in life

I've been having a steamboat craving for weeks now.. pretty disappointed that PrincessBling didn't want to go, guess she's not such a fan of steamboat as I am!

The craving got worst when I saw Alanharperismyidol's Chap Goh Meh steamboat fest in Melbourne, and again when Cryptkeeper told me that she was having Steamboat one night.. omg.. I had to curb my craving somehow!

I had to go to the airport twice yesterday.. once to send PrincessBling off 'sniff sniff' and another time to send my brother off.. he too is heading towards the USA.. my other sister left for KL that afternoon.. so in one day.. I became the single child!  And like a spoilt single child.. I insisted (okay.. not like there was much persuasion needed) that we go for steamboat, even though it's just the three of us... just means 'more for me' or 'order less variety'.. either way, I was excited to get my steamboat fix.

Isn't that like the most gorgeous sight in the world?  Full of fried Tofu and fish balls.. *drools*, with a half and half of spicy broth and chicken broth.  I tend to shy away from the spicy one, cos I totally can't take spicy.

We finished all the food we ordered and I was super stuffed.. but SUPER SATISFIED!  It was truly an awesome dinner.. bit lonely without PrincessBling there though.. but never mind, I'll be seeing her in 2 weeks time anyway!

Well, guess it'll be a long time before I get my next steamboat craving.. :)  Or will it....

Saturday 11 February 2012

GirlFriends Rocks

Those who don't have girlfriends.. I feel sorry for you.. Girlfriends are the best people to have when you need someone to talk to, to get advice from, the gossip with.. and I am fortunate to have many girlfriends in my life.

My two besties, Alanharperismyidol and CryptKeeper are the first persons I'll run to with good news and bad, gossip and advice.  Though we are in separate countries (they are in Australia and I am in Malaysia) every time we come back together, it's as if nothing has changed.  We hang out and talk for hours, catching up with all that has happened.. I yearn for those times when we are in the same country again!

I have another group of girlfriends who's based in Kuching.  We hang out for HH all the time.. and I know that I can count on them to show me a good time.  Take for example Friday night.. the minute I landed in Kuching, I was taken straight away to K-Box at The Spring Shopping Mall for a night of karaoke!

These are my girlfriends from da hood.. look how pretty each one is.

But here's why girlfriends rocks!

  1. They will always understand you when it comes to guys
  2. They will lend a shoulder to cry on
  3. They will tell you if you have broccoli in your teeth
  4. They will hug you when you have great news
  5. They will hold you when you have sad news
  6. They will always be there!
So if you don't have a girlfriend, go out there and start making friends!  You'll see how much more meaning your life has when there is someone there you can count on..

My Sister My Best Friend

PrincessBling and I are fraternal twin sisters, and we've been twins since our conception.. I'm guessing around Valentines day :P

My sister and I are best friends.  We love each other so much.. but it didn't always use to be like that.

I don't remember much about my childhood.. but I remember things weren't always so peachy when we were in Christchurch.  We fought a lot, I took my bad temper out on her all the time and there were physical fights too!  

When I got the job in Perth and there on to San Francisco, distance does make the heart grow fonder.  We grew closer when we were apart.  This is because each visit home is precious and should not be wasted on petty things like fighting.. instead, we started to grow independent and appreciate each other for just being there.

PrincessBling got married to a wonderful guy last year.  Part of me feel lonely now.. as she's in a different league now.. and she has someone else to rely and trust.. I'm so happy for her for finding her true love.

She lives in USA now, and I count the days til she will return to Kuching for good. I miss her, and there are certainly no dry eyes on the days leading to her departure.. but I certainly do appreciate her for being there, being my twin, and being my best friend.

Airplane Companions

So recently, I flew to Singapore for 3 days and 2 nights as I had appointments to see my psychologist and psychiatrist.  I fly out to Singapore every 2 to 3 months to see them.  I usually travel alone, and I NEED the window seat because I freak out if I can't spot the ground as we're landing.  So usually, I fly Air Asia and book seats 1A or 1F.  I don't find a point to pay RM30 (per sector) for any seat other than the 1st row.. since the leg room is the same as any other seat other than the 1st row.

So here is where I start ranting about Airplane Companions.  Those that you can't actually choose.. On my Kuching to Singapore leg, I was seated next to the window at 1F.  Imagine to my surprise when I boarded the plane and find that the irresponsible lady seating on 1D had so rudely place her bag on my seat!  Immediately I raised this with the 'Anak Anak Kapal' and said "There's a bag on my seat", to which this lady quickly took her bag and placed it on her lap instead.. hmph!  Now much to my disappointment, I see that she's got a newborn baby girl with her, who was carried by her mother (baby's grandmother) who was seated in 1E.  Sigh.. I sat down defeated.. thinking that the baby will be crying the entire trip due to air pressure.. yadda yadda yadda..

Much to my surprise, the baby girl kept rather quiet during the entire flight.. it was her mother AND grandmother who were causing the ruckus!  Firstly, the mother carried her baby and started talking at the top of her lungs.. cooing.. clicking her tongue.. singing stupid songs and asking her baby where her nose was, eyes was.. etc.. come on.. as if she's going to tell you.. unless if she was some kind of super baby prodigy...when she was asleep.. both ladies proceed to hold a conversation at the top of their lungs in Mandarin, Hokkien, Foochow and Haka!
And while we were landing, the plane started shaking and dipping, which freaked the hell out of me.. and this insensitive mother started making rolling sounds like 'kedung kedung KEHDUNG'.. like lady.. I'm freaked out enough as it is!

On my return flight, I was once again in 1F, enjoying the peace and quiet.. til the last person boarded and sat down with his young son, next to me.. ahh shoot me now.. he immediately unloaded his toy cars and continued to play 'vroom vroom eeee.... bang!' with it.  Oh GREAT!  Then he proceeded to ask his daddy 'how come there's not TV in this plane?' and his dad started laughing like it's the cleverest and funniest thing in the world.. all I could think was 'what a spoilt brat'.  Good news.. after 20 minutes of 'vroom vroom eeeeeeeeeee bang!'.. little boy fell asleep.

Otherwise, my trip to Singapore was pretty good.  Had good sessions with my doctors, nice reunion with the guys (and their girlfriends) and a nice dinner with my grandma.. where we gorged ourselves on Crabs, Vege and Tofu!  One thing bad.. the weather was GROSSLY HOT!

Ahh the life of a frequent flyer.. that's what I have to put up with to get the help I need.. more about that topic later!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Shu Umera Eye Lash Event

In 2011, I attended a Shu Umera Eye Lash event held at Four Points Sheraton Kuching, hosted by Shentel and Sereni.  It was a day of indulgence, where we get girly pampering, delicious food and tutorial on applying lashes!

Here is PrincessBling learning about Shu Umera's new blusher while I stand behind checking my Blackberry!

Can you see my eyelashes?  Best part of all.. we all get to take home the eyelashes for FREE!

Later that night, the girls who attended got together at Junk Bar to show off our makeup and eye lashes.. attending a Toga themed Karaoke night.. man we had a blast..

Ahh.. thus the life in Kuching.


One of the things I love wearing these days are False Eyelashes.  Took me a while to master applying it, but I think I got it these days.  I don't wear them daily as I think it's too OTT, but I'll definitely put it on for special occasions like dinner with friends, CNY open home etc.. 

My Falsies attempt for New Years Eve - Dec 31, 2011

Here's my first ever attempt at wearing false BOTTOM lashes.  I'm not sure why but Shu Umera only sells four connection, making it weird to apply.. I mean.. shouldn't it run the whole length of the bottom eye?  Let's just say that that's the last time I used Shu Umera's bottom lashes... Love their wild OTT top lashes though!

Oh well, as they said.. practice makes perfect.

So off I went to find some Dollywinks bottom lashes (recommended by MerlinFan) and was sooo happy that SaSa finally opened at The Spring Shopping Mall.. as they stocked Dollywinks!  Bought a pair of bottom lashes (well, one pack came with 2 sets.. BONUS!) and never looked back.

My first attempt at my new Dollywinks bottom lashes on Chinese New Year First Day 23rd January 2012.  Okay, so the top looks a little wonky.. no problem.. fixed it right after I took that photo.  But look at the bottom lashies.. aren't they fab??


Monday 6 February 2012


So I've attended Malaysia's Tatler Ball in both 2010 and 2011.  It's a high society Ball, where only the creme de la creme of Malaysia's society are specially invited to attend.

Tatler Ball 2010
This picture was published in the Tatler Magazine in 2010.  All four of us sisters were invited to the event (my first time) and I was in awe.. never have I attended such a fancy and exclusive event.. How did I get invited?  Well, I'm certainly no creme de la creme of Malaysia's society, but my eldest sister is.  It didn't take too much work convincing Tatler that the siblings of my eldest sisters are all glamorous as well.  Besides, having siblings attend is such a novelty!

This picture is of me and PrincessBling in 2010, when we were totally having a blast at our first ever social event, and totally photo whoring.  Check out our makeup, done by Shu Umera's master, Frederick.  He's awesome ain't he?  I wore a white and blue BCBG Maxazaria gown that I bought in USA and Princess Bling wore a House of Dereon (Beyonce's brand!) that she bought when she visited in me in USA!

Princess Bling and ChanelFan

This is a picture taken of me and PrincessBling for the 2011 Tatler Ball, which was held on 28th October 2011.  It's held at the same Shangri-La Hotel in Kuala Lumpur as it was last year.  Of course, we couldn't be seen in the same outfit twice now that we're socialites :D

We hired Frederick to do our makeup again, because he did such a FAB job last year.. this time, we went for the older look.. cos let's face it, we are one year older!  This year, I wore another BCBG Maxazaria gown, gold in color this time, and PrincessBling wore a black BCBG Maxazaria Princess dress.

Here's the thing I love about attending the Tatler Ball.
  1. Getting made up to look like a super star!
  2. Dressing up in gowns that makes me feel like a Princess
  3. Eating food specially done for the rich and famous
  4. Mingling with VIP who have no idea who you are, therefore you can totally invent a fantasy self that you can be for one night!
 Life cannot get better than that :D

My Babies

I would like to tell you all about my babies.. Hunter, Lupo, Maximus and our newest addition, Lightning!  If you're wondering, no they're not human.. they're my doggies!
Hunter = Siburan Husky (no it's not a typo).. Hunter was born in Sibu to Thai parents and was put on an express boat to Kuching where he was picked up and delivered to me.
Maximus = Golden Retriever.  I saw him at 6 weeks and fell in love with him.  Only met him for 10 minutes before I had to fly back to America.. only saw him again when he was fully grown.
Lupo = Siberian Husky.  Lupo was given to us by his owners who couldn't cope with him.  When he first came, he was anti-social but now he's just the lovable dog that he was meant to be.. he enjoys talking alot!
Lightning = Border Collie.  We got him from a breeder after falling in love with him when the breeder sent a picture to us.  He's fast as lightning and an attention whore.  Still a puppy, he's the newest addition to the family.

So there you have it, a preview of my babies.  They stay in the cage during the day, and released to roam the yards at night.  This is due to the fact that they tend to rush out of the gate the minute it opens.  Nowadays with the rising number of dog theft in Kuching (I have lost Cookie that way), I am not going to take the risk of losing another love one.

It's ME!

I decided to start a blog about my life.. what I get up to, what I enjoy.. basically, it's all about me.. so my friends know what I'm up to these days!

I was born on 25th October (year shall remain anonymous!).. 30 minutes before my twin sister PrincessBling.. and basically had a companion for life.  We are so close, that even if we're not identical twins.. people who sees us for the first time think that they're having double vision.  Wanna know something else amazing?  Our besties MerlinFan and A-Ther are fraternal twins as well!  We've been besties since the 4th grade!  Imagine the four of us being seen together.. it's such a novelty! :D

I grew up in Kuching, completed my studies until Form 1 in Lodge Preparatory School before moving to Christchurch New Zealand, where I completed my high school years in Burnside High School and graduated with a Bachelor degree in Commerce, majoring in Marketing and Information Systems.. ideally.. E-Marketing!  I spent the next 6 months "looking for a job" while accompanying PrincessBling in Christchurch (she was finishing her honors degree in Civil Engineering) before I was summoned back to Kuching.. mainly because I wasn't doing anything for 6 months.  I worked for my dad's company in management.. implementing the bonus system before I got another job in Perth.

I moved to Perth (a place where I knew nobody and had no friends) and started working for a start up technology company.  Work was fun and I threw myself in it straight away.  Made awesome friends within the company (mainly the IT team) and loved everything I did.  A year and a half later, much to my joy, the company moved the marketing team (ie ME!) to Sydney.. I loved it.. found myself an apartment straight away and enjoyed life in the big city.  A year later, the company moved everyone (woo hoo.. could see my boys, the IT team again) to Silicon Valley, San Francisco.  OMG.. it was definitely my dream come true to be working in U.S. of A.  I loved every minute of it.. found my apartment, bought my furnitures.. decorated it how I wanted to.  Life in San Francisco was great.  I never felt more independent.

After 5 years in the company, it was time to go.. I resigned and moved back to Kuching, where I started working for my dad as the Executive of HR and Administration.  Here, I deal with mainly HR work as well as the Payroll.. No.. I don't give myself bonuses each month! haha

So, I've been working in Kuching now for 3 years and enjoying my life back home.. where there is familiarity, love and comfort.  I'm back with my love ones and the proud parent of 4 GORGEOUS dogs.

It's Me!
So that's me.. continue following my blog to find out what I do, what I love and what I enjoy.