Saturday 11 February 2012

Airplane Companions

So recently, I flew to Singapore for 3 days and 2 nights as I had appointments to see my psychologist and psychiatrist.  I fly out to Singapore every 2 to 3 months to see them.  I usually travel alone, and I NEED the window seat because I freak out if I can't spot the ground as we're landing.  So usually, I fly Air Asia and book seats 1A or 1F.  I don't find a point to pay RM30 (per sector) for any seat other than the 1st row.. since the leg room is the same as any other seat other than the 1st row.

So here is where I start ranting about Airplane Companions.  Those that you can't actually choose.. On my Kuching to Singapore leg, I was seated next to the window at 1F.  Imagine to my surprise when I boarded the plane and find that the irresponsible lady seating on 1D had so rudely place her bag on my seat!  Immediately I raised this with the 'Anak Anak Kapal' and said "There's a bag on my seat", to which this lady quickly took her bag and placed it on her lap instead.. hmph!  Now much to my disappointment, I see that she's got a newborn baby girl with her, who was carried by her mother (baby's grandmother) who was seated in 1E.  Sigh.. I sat down defeated.. thinking that the baby will be crying the entire trip due to air pressure.. yadda yadda yadda..

Much to my surprise, the baby girl kept rather quiet during the entire flight.. it was her mother AND grandmother who were causing the ruckus!  Firstly, the mother carried her baby and started talking at the top of her lungs.. cooing.. clicking her tongue.. singing stupid songs and asking her baby where her nose was, eyes was.. etc.. come on.. as if she's going to tell you.. unless if she was some kind of super baby prodigy...when she was asleep.. both ladies proceed to hold a conversation at the top of their lungs in Mandarin, Hokkien, Foochow and Haka!
And while we were landing, the plane started shaking and dipping, which freaked the hell out of me.. and this insensitive mother started making rolling sounds like 'kedung kedung KEHDUNG'.. like lady.. I'm freaked out enough as it is!

On my return flight, I was once again in 1F, enjoying the peace and quiet.. til the last person boarded and sat down with his young son, next to me.. ahh shoot me now.. he immediately unloaded his toy cars and continued to play 'vroom vroom eeee.... bang!' with it.  Oh GREAT!  Then he proceeded to ask his daddy 'how come there's not TV in this plane?' and his dad started laughing like it's the cleverest and funniest thing in the world.. all I could think was 'what a spoilt brat'.  Good news.. after 20 minutes of 'vroom vroom eeeeeeeeeee bang!'.. little boy fell asleep.

Otherwise, my trip to Singapore was pretty good.  Had good sessions with my doctors, nice reunion with the guys (and their girlfriends) and a nice dinner with my grandma.. where we gorged ourselves on Crabs, Vege and Tofu!  One thing bad.. the weather was GROSSLY HOT!

Ahh the life of a frequent flyer.. that's what I have to put up with to get the help I need.. more about that topic later!


  1. Lol I am totally feeling the hate! XD

    1. True Story! Totally hate it when you don't consider the feelings of other people.. like I need my personal space.. you know what would be awesome? If airlines build each seat into a capsule, and you're sitting in one where you're encased inside.. and it's sound proof.. ahh.. nothing to bother you.
