Monday 6 February 2012

It's ME!

I decided to start a blog about my life.. what I get up to, what I enjoy.. basically, it's all about me.. so my friends know what I'm up to these days!

I was born on 25th October (year shall remain anonymous!).. 30 minutes before my twin sister PrincessBling.. and basically had a companion for life.  We are so close, that even if we're not identical twins.. people who sees us for the first time think that they're having double vision.  Wanna know something else amazing?  Our besties MerlinFan and A-Ther are fraternal twins as well!  We've been besties since the 4th grade!  Imagine the four of us being seen together.. it's such a novelty! :D

I grew up in Kuching, completed my studies until Form 1 in Lodge Preparatory School before moving to Christchurch New Zealand, where I completed my high school years in Burnside High School and graduated with a Bachelor degree in Commerce, majoring in Marketing and Information Systems.. ideally.. E-Marketing!  I spent the next 6 months "looking for a job" while accompanying PrincessBling in Christchurch (she was finishing her honors degree in Civil Engineering) before I was summoned back to Kuching.. mainly because I wasn't doing anything for 6 months.  I worked for my dad's company in management.. implementing the bonus system before I got another job in Perth.

I moved to Perth (a place where I knew nobody and had no friends) and started working for a start up technology company.  Work was fun and I threw myself in it straight away.  Made awesome friends within the company (mainly the IT team) and loved everything I did.  A year and a half later, much to my joy, the company moved the marketing team (ie ME!) to Sydney.. I loved it.. found myself an apartment straight away and enjoyed life in the big city.  A year later, the company moved everyone (woo hoo.. could see my boys, the IT team again) to Silicon Valley, San Francisco.  OMG.. it was definitely my dream come true to be working in U.S. of A.  I loved every minute of it.. found my apartment, bought my furnitures.. decorated it how I wanted to.  Life in San Francisco was great.  I never felt more independent.

After 5 years in the company, it was time to go.. I resigned and moved back to Kuching, where I started working for my dad as the Executive of HR and Administration.  Here, I deal with mainly HR work as well as the Payroll.. No.. I don't give myself bonuses each month! haha

So, I've been working in Kuching now for 3 years and enjoying my life back home.. where there is familiarity, love and comfort.  I'm back with my love ones and the proud parent of 4 GORGEOUS dogs.

It's Me!
So that's me.. continue following my blog to find out what I do, what I love and what I enjoy.

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