Friday 21 September 2012

Doggie Love

It doesn't take a fortune teller to tell you that I LOVE dogs.. they are my babies.. as mentioned in my earlier blogs, I have 4 of them.. a Golden Retriever called Maximus, a Siburan Husky called Hunter, a Siberian Husky called Lupo, and a Border Collie called Lightning.  I love them each to bits, and I'm sorry that I haven't been updating them much on this blog but that's because all the pictures of them I have on my Blackberry, and I lost the program in which to transfer data between my phone and the computer.

Max is putting on heaps of weight.. he can barely squeeze into his favorite spot.. in the drain!
So tight and snug!!!
Look at his 'fats' spill out from the drain.. isn't that simply adorable?  He's such a lovely boy.. each night when they're all released from the cage, instead of making a mad dash around the house compound looking for places to pee and poo.. he wiggles his butt, shakes himself off.. do a downward dog pose.. then happily trots to the security guard to get a pet or two on his head.. then walks off to do his business.. such a gentleman! I love how he just waddles over to you, pushing any dogs out of the way.. and nudges your hand for a pet.

Hunter.. one of the reasons why I haven't blogged about them is because.. my poor Hunter has been shaven bald.. I'm so embarrassed by his hair cut.. he literally looks like a poodle.. rat.. rabbit.. you name it, he's been called it.  My poor little baby.. but his hair has finally grown back a few inches.. thin enough to keep him cool during the day.. and warm enough for the night chill.
I'm too sexy for my fur to sexy yeah...
Here's a good picture of him.. taken in such a way that you can't see his shaved butt.. ain't he just adorable?  He's totally being pussy-whipped by Lightning right now though.. Lightning is fighting to be Alpha-Male.. so bullies poor Hunter to bits... but he's so loving.. taking the tender moments to lick the sweat off my arm after I finish the gym.. trying to steal a kiss on the face when he can.. Ooo.. just love squeezing his nose!

Lupo has become an attention seeker as well now.. while he won't be jumping around and pushing others away.. he'll see an opportunity where he can just go in and be the only one there to be petted. He hates his nose being squeezed.. but I think he secretly enjoys getting a kiss on it.. 
Rock-a-bye baby on the tree top..
He's also a really lazy dog.. if he sees too many dogs surrounding you and realizes that the chance of getting alone time with you is not going to happen.. he sulks off and lies down and sleeps. He still howls like a lonesome wolf at night when he wanna come out and play.. his first move is to run to the other side of the house where he can pee and poo in private.. then he proceeds to run round and round the house.. only stopping at the main gate, as if waiting.. that by some miracle, it will open and he will dash for freedom..  Ain't he a gorgeous one?

Lightning... me thinks... is afraid of lightning (no.. not himself.. the real thing!)  When the night skies are flashing brightly.. he gets this look of intense fear in his eyes and hides away in his little corner.  Other than that, he's a really cheeky boy!
Coochie coochie cooo....
Lookie at that face of his.. so cheeky.  He loves to play with you.. and he's the total attention whore.  He is the first one at the fence when you come, and he's found out that if he squeezes himself into the corner of the cage.. he can look towards the side of the house to see if you're coming or not!  And he waits there.. and stares at you longingly until you can stand it no more and go and play with him.. he'll cover you with his kisses. Just wishes he will treat Hunter better!

Now with four dogs, you would think that they're a handful .. NEVER!  I love each and everyone of them like my babies and each hold a special place in my heart.  Although they are eating a hole in my pocket.. 1 and a half months worth of food costs me RM500! 

Watching movies about dogs just makes me wanna go out there and hug my babies.. but the movie Hachinko?  OMG.. I want an Akita!!!!
Isn't that totally adorable?  Reminds me of Hunter when he was a wee little boy.  They're really tame dogs who aren't temperamental, and this one is for sale from Kota Kinabalu!!! I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!  I think my parents will have a heart attack though.. so this will stay on my wishlist for now.. and stay in the back of my mind until I have my own place for more dogs :)

Til then...


  1. AWWWWWW... but I heard Akita dogs are not for people who are not the pack leaders.. like YOU!! Totally being bullied by the doggies.. hahaha

    As loyal as Akita are.. they don't fare well in pack environment as they are super loyal and needs to be alpha all the time.

    1. Totally agree... if you wiki it, as adorable as they are they are super intolerant of dogs of same gender (haha so many at your house!!!) and cannot go off leash in public. I can imagine the terror it'll strike in your house and neighbourhood when let loose...

    2. I change my mind.. I want a Pomeranian Husky mix breed now! Go Google it .. GORGEOUS!

    3. You mean this?

    4. Yup.. that's the one! So cute isn't it?!?!?!

  2. How do they mate a tiny dog with a huge dog???
