Sunday 23 September 2012

Hot Mama!

Just a shout out to my Christchurch Bestie Mrs Annie on giving birth to her 2nd son on Saturday, 22nd September 2012, a beautiful baby called Jeremy.

Annie was the first friend I made when I moved to Christchurch.  We were in the same class 3S3 and she was so kind and bubbly, approaching me and PrincessBling for a chat when we were shielding away from everyone as we were so shy.  Our friendship blossomed over the years, sharing everything from thick and thin.

Unfortunately, I couldn't make it to her wedding (tickets bought and all.. and no Visa to go back to USA) which I'm sorely disappointed over.. but I met her first son Ryan when I went down for a snowboarding trip with friends in August 2010.  Oh my, was it really 2 years ago?  That was 2 weeks before an earthquake devastated Christchurch.

I miss her and I miss the times we spent together.  And everyone is so grown up now.. she's one year my junior and having 2 kids already.. makes me wonder where my life has gone.. I feel like I wasted many years of my life with this sickness and I wish I could claim it all back.  Maybe I could have gotten married with kids by now if things didn't go the way they did.

BUT.. everything happens for a reason, and I can't wait to find out what the Lord has for me in the near future, but I promise it's going to be exciting.. that's right people, it's time to live life to the fullest and live everyday as if it's your last day.  Hmph yeah.. easier said than done right?

But here's my pledge to you.. the time is now.. no living in the past, no living in the future.. live for NOW.


  1. I agree with you dude! Totally know what you mean by years wasted... How many years I wasted in a profession I have no passion about! We must make a pact 2013 is a year for change and improvement and living life to the fullest!

    1. Yes! We will be each other's cheerleading squad :)
