Sunday 2 September 2012

September 2012 Goals

I've been invited to the Tatler Magazine 2012 Ball again this year.. it's the 3rd year that I've been invited and I'm excited to be attending again.  Which reminds me, better RSVP before I forget!  For those that don't know, Tatler Magazine is a magazine about the high society in Malaysia.  That's right.. I am part of the High Society.. hahaha.. just kidding.. I'm just riding on the coat-tails of other High(er) Society people.
But I must say.. I've appeared on Tatler 3 times this year!  Once for PrincessBling's wedding writeup, once for Ronald's wedding writeup and once for Sereni's wedding writeup.

So luckily, I have planned for this invite and went ahead and bought a dress from BCBG ages ago.. shipped it to PrincessBling who brought it for me to Greece.  I wasn't too sure about the size.. on hindsight, I should have paid more attention to the word 'slim-cut' and bought a bigger size, but I didn't.  I just bought the size that I normally wear.  It's a gorgeous ballgown, pink tones with slight flare on the skirt.. nothing too poofy, and with flower embroidery all over the inner lining of the dress.

Anyway, I finally.. FINALLY got the courage to try on the dress on Hari Merdeka.. just because I need to know whether it'll fit for the Tatler Ball!  Much to my dismay, the top was about 2 inches too small.. and there was no way I could zip it up.. so right on the spot.. I made a pact..
  1. I will lose 5kgs in the month of September!
  2. I will stop binge drinking in a bid to lose the weight
  3. I will endeavor to exercise every single day for at least 30 minutes - I read in the papers on Sunday that a 30 minute workout is more effective than a hour long workout!
  4. I will eat mindfully and not end up binging/over-eating to the point that I feel so guilty that the world is coming to an end
My pact started straight away on Hari Merdeka, with 20 minute workout on the elliptical, 30 minutes running on the treadmill, 10 pushups, 200 situps and 20 arm pushes.  I stayed home for dinner, and I did not go out binge drinking.  I continued the workout on 1st and 2nd of September, and although there was slight binge drinking on the 1st, I was good on the 2nd.  And I plan to remain good for the rest of the month.

It's showing on the scales already.. with a weight loss of 1kg since Hari Merdeka.  I hope that it's not just water loss and hope to see grander results in the coming weeks.  I will keep you all updated on my September Goal as the month goes by..

Don't you worry.. I will FIT in my dress if it kills me.. who knows, might just return to being a gym junkie like I was oh.. YEARS ago.  

One of the reasons for my quest to FIT into my dress.. I have no backup dresses that are ball worthy.  I have simple dresses.. so if worst comes to worst.. I will wear them and accessorize with BLING.. ahahaha but lets hope it won't come to that. 

So.. the weight loss saga begins....


  1. Proud of you sister! Call on me if you need motivation. :) I am also trying to tone up! Atleast now when i lean over I don't feel like I am carrying a spare tire... :P

    Gym sisters!

    1. I feel like I'm carrying around 3 spare tires :S
