Thursday 27 September 2012

It's Friday Friday Everybody get down on Friday...

You can probably tell that I'm ecstatic that it's Friday!  And no, I'm no Fan of Rebecca Black.  Can't stand her nasal voice.. and the fact that her Aussie Accent is so strong.. and Aussie.. no offense to my Aussie peeps out there.

Why am I excited that it's Friday?  Well mainly because it means that it's one day closer to the weekend, and one week closer to Tatler Ball! OMG.. I'm like super duperly excited.. I've got my tickets booked, my makeup artiste booked.. my hotel room booked (most importantly).. only thing is that it's now crunch time on the weight loss mission.. I'm proud to announce that I dropped 0.5kgs yesterday.  How you ask?  What's the secret?

Ugh people.. there is no secret.. it's called HARDCORE EXERCISING... yes.. I did 640 Kcals yesterday .. 30 minutes on the elliptical and 50 minutes on the treadmill.. I find that if I run on the treadmill with no incline, I can run for ages!  It's those damn inclines that makes your muscle more tired.. if only we live in a world that's flat.. no hills whatsoever.. then I'll have no problem running 10km! hahaha  I did my ab roller as well.. feeling the burn in my abs which is awesome.  Oh, am on a lean protein diet too.. cutting out rice for the next week!  Can't give up my morning Kolo Mee though.. unfortunately.

I'm participating in the Heart Foundation Charity Walk-A-Mile on Sunday 30th September 2012.  I wanted to bring Hunter along, but I guess that's against regulation.  I did ask, and the lady on the phone sounded shocked.. as if this was never suggested before.. then again, it's a charity where they have food stalls etc.. I'm expecting lots of Huans.. should bring my dog and scare them all away.. mua ha ha ha..

On 13th October, I plan to participate in Kuchingnite Run.. only doing the 5km run though.. I'm rather uneasy with the thought of running past a cemetery alone at night.. I'm going to make sure that my friends run with me during that part.. we can part ways after (thank goodness its at the beginning of the race).

It's going to be a rather busy October for me.  And it starts from the 1st October.  I have 2 new employees coming on board, so I have to arrange for equipment for them etc.. then on 2nd and 3rd I have a course to attend, 5th I'm flying to KL, 6th is Tatler Ball, 7th is Samantha's birthday party, 8th is Daddy's birthday, 9th is Jerome's wedding, 12th is Valerie's birthday, 13th is the night run, 19th is when my sister is due to give birth, 23rd is Samantha's actual birthday, 24th I fly to USA, 25th is my birthday, 26th we head down to Lake Tahoe for the weekend.. 30th is Bobby's birthday, 31st is Halloween.  OH MY.. what a full month I have ahead of myself..not to mention 2nd November is Ron's birthday.  And I got to do payroll before 24th..  FUN..

So what's on the plans for tonight?  It's Sean's birthday party and we're having steamboat.. LOVE steamboat.  Always tend to overeat though.. so tonight I'll be watching myself carefully.. making sure not to make a glutton of myself.  There's HH before and after dinner, but I'm not sure if I want to binge on alcohol and see my weight increase again.. know what I mean?  It's empty calories after all.  So hence the dilemma.. should I go home and exercise before dinner?  I know I should.. but do I want to? :P  

In the meantime, I have heaps going on with Activate!  Trying to get the business license at the moment.. which might take a couple months to approve! I don't got couple of months!  I have one and a half!  Better get a crunch on it.. hahaha...

It's Friday Friday.. one more day to the weekend weekend!

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