Tuesday 11 September 2012

Fun Fun Fun... right?

So, at work, what I find 'fun' at the moment is dealing with the foreign workers that we are currently employing to help us finish our projects.  We have workers from Thailand and Myanmar.  Thailand workers are pretty straight forward as I have a good relationship with the agent, Fairus who's pretty much on top of his game.  He provides us workers and we pay him.  Simple as that.. it's the paperwork that can get a bit tedious, but hey, at least it gives me something to do with my time.  Here's the procedures we have to go through:
  1. Apply for AP (approval permit) for Thai Workers and Myanmar Workers.  Each has to have separate application form.  Before submitting the application, we have to:
    a. Advertise for local workers in Borneo Post and Utusan Borneo
    b. Advertise for local workers on RTM
    c. Conduct interview with local workers to see if we can hire them instead of using foreign help
    Once that is done, we fill in the application form, and submit it to the labor office where the project site is.. that is.. if we're applying for Murum, we have to go to Sungai Asap, which is about 2 hours of treacherous driving outside of Bintulu.
  2. Wait for 3 months for Labor department to get their act together and approve the application and deciding how many workers they will approve.. rule of thumb is usually 50% of how many you applied.. for example, I applied for 500 Thai workers for Murum and got approval for 250 workers.
  3. Submit the approval AP letter to the agent where they will get the work permits for the worker.
  4. Pick up worker and drive them to project site
  5. Get their permit and passport and apply for Workmen Compensation Insurance for them
  6. Apply for Group PA (Personal Accident) Insurance - something I haven't done for our workers yet
  7. Store their details in a safe office cabinet (preferably fireproof with lock)
See, it's a whole process that has to be done step by step.  For number 2, I have to stay on top of my game and contact Labor Department weekly to see what the progress is and whether they have approved and how many they have approved etc.. 

Once we get the Myanmar workers we have to arrange for them to open a bank account so we can deposit their paycheck.. rather than bringing in a whole lotta cash and giving it to them that way.. no one wants to be responsible for that sum of cash, seeing as now we're living in a world of theft.

So what I find fun, is that I have all these procedures to follow.  I thrive on procedures.  I have to follow structure, which is why I'm so good at following directions.. hahaha.. especially when it comes to cooking/baking.

Sorry for the boring post.. fun one coming up! :)

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