Monday 17 September 2012

My Long Weekend Espionage

We had a long weekend due to Malaysia Day falling on a Sunday (16th September 2012), so Monday was automatically a holiday.. YAY .. I'll do anything for a 4 day work week! hahaha.. I had a full on weekend planned.. 


Yes, it was time for another dress fitting after 2 weeks of exercise and dieting.  My weight only decreased by 1kg but I was feeling slimmer and trimmer.  This is mainly due to myself building up muscle mass and losing the fat mass.. I always have to remind myself.. muscle weighs more than fat.  So don't be discouraged by the scale!
Well, moment of truth.. I locked myself in my bedroom (for privacy) and slipped on my dress.. OMG.. what used to be a 5cm gap.. is now a 2cm gap!  I don't believe it, the workouts are working!  So my 'feeling' of being trimmer and slimmer is actually reality.  I am beyond ECSTATIC!!!  This just makes me wanna work out more.. 
I'm still aiming for 600 Kcals a day, but I'm happy with the watch's program of 300 Kcals a day to lose weight (2100 Kcals per week).


I decided (with the recommendation of AlanHarperIsMyIdol) to perm my hair about 2 weeks prior to the Tatler Ball.. that way, the hair wouldn't be as curly as maggi mee.. and it would be nicely curled.  I had a hair cut prior to perming.. just to trim off those dead dry ends.  Not to mention the gazillion split ends that I have.  Man, the price of Richard and Iris sure gone up.. it now costs me RM450 for the wash, cut and perm!
I decided to go with the smaller curlers, and I'm so glad that I did.. the end results was terrific!  Of course, I had them blow the curls rather than let it dry naturally... and this is what I got..
Aren't the curls gorgeous???  It's not too small (as I thought it would be with smaller curlers) and it's really bouncy.. I curled from the top of the head.. don't quite know why it's still flat.. must be the way they blow dried it!


We threw my sister a baby shower on Sunday 16th September 2012.. attended by 12 of her good friends/family.. it was held at Four Points Hotel in the VIP room.. and it was nicely decorated with ducks.  The theme of the baby shower was Blue or Yellow.. and I had no clothes in either colour.. so I wore purple/pink.. man I wish I dug deeper into my closet cos I sure stuck out like a sore thumb! hahaha.. but hey.. look at me.. I look gorgeous :P
Still having trouble with the cam-whore lenses of my new camera.. I really have no idea where to look!  But I wore my falsies (top and bottom) which I LOVE!!!  Should have put more blusher and wear a darker lipstick though.. I went pale pink to match my dress :)
Hmm.. my skin looks haggard in that picture.. don't you think?
That's me and my eldest sis.. don't we look alike :)
We all had Balloon yellow duck hairbands (except the pregnant lady - she had a party hat instead) and it was so cute!
That's Shentel (of Sereni and Shentel Headbands fame)..
Ahhh.. don't you just love cam-whoring?

Well, that's pretty much my weekend.  I went supermarket shopping yesterday looking for produce to use for my juice bar.  Then I ended up at Pizza Hut where I bought  a large pizza and took it to Shore (pub).. where I proceed to eat two slices of the pizza with 2 pints of beer.. am I ever glad that the scale did not go up when I stepped on it this morning..
What happened to the rest of the pizza?  Well George ate two slices and I took the rest home.. maybe it's what we're having for lunch today :D

Back to the exercising and less binging.. food and alcohol wise.  Maybe I better start chewing gum to get rid of that double chin in that last picture :( 

As requested by MikhaelfBlue, here are more pictures.. although I'm not sure if you can see my hair in most of them...

Sorry dude.. maybe next time I'll get a shot with my hair (After I do it at the salon!)


  1. Any more pics? Can't see your hair in camwhore shots! Haha... how come Shentel got her chin cut off in your last photo...

    1. LOL.. cos I dunno how to use the cam-whore features!

  2. I also dunno how! I think the long lens makes the cam seem too close to camwhore... >:(

  3. so much fun... so many parties.. :(

  4. OMG.. anyone having trouble with the stupid "make sure you are not a robot by typing in the words" crap??? they always gimme all the letters which are smushed together man!

    1. LOL sometimes I keep refreshing until something less re-tart shows up!

    2. Do you guys realise that you can type anything and it will still be accepted?

    3. You lie! This morning I typed the retarded thing (I maintain that all 4 times they were CORRECT!) on Princess Bling's blog and they kept insisting it was wrong!

    4. Rofl.. really? Everytime for you guys blog.. I enter any thing and it always let me through...

    5. I agree... it always say I type wrong and have to do again... see, now again...

    6. hahaha.. I tried.. and you are write.. I guess I'm always lucky to be guessing it correctly :)
