Sunday 9 September 2012

Shopaholic & Me

I read somewhere that shopaholism is a form of mental disease too.. great.. another one to add to my repertoire!  I have this immense need to spend, and it has gotten me into trouble with my credit card.. my financials are worst than Greece.. and this is the second bail out that I have received from my parents.  I'm so blessed to have the parents that I have :)

So after my bailout, I made a pact to not spend unnecessarily again.. which means no splurges, no online shopping.. basically no buying anything until I go to USA.. that should give me sufficient spending money after saving 2 month's salary right?

Alas, it was not meant to be.  I went to The Spring on Saturday and came back oh around RM2700 poorer.  I had gone with the intention of spending money, to buy a Polar watch which I had wanted/needed for awhile now to improve my training and weight loss agenda.

 This is the Polar watch I ended up with.. FT60.  Basically, what it is.. is a heart rate monitor (that's what the black strap is for.. you strap it around your chest) and through your heart beat, it calculates how many calories you're burning as well.  It has training programs for you to follow.. and I selected weight loss.. which means I have a weekly target of 2100 Kcals and 5.25 hours of workout.  That's an average of 300 Kcals a day.. but I'm doing way more than that.. I'm aiming at doing 600 Kcals a day.  

With my brand new purchase, I hit the gym straightaway.. did my usual 20 minutes elliptical and 30 minutes treadmill.. lost a total of 458 Kcals.. not enough.. so on Sunday, I did 30 minutes elliptical and 40 minutes treadmill.. I ran and ran til I could run no more.. and lost my targeted 600 Kcals!  I was so proud of myself.

It's now week 2 of my weight loss agenda.. how did I do in week 1?  My weight was fluctuating.. ranging between -1 to 1 kgs.. but as of this morning.. after a night at The Junk restaurant gorging on MEAT.. I gained a grand total of 0.8kg.. sigh.. FML.  I'm hoping that I'm building muscle mass..and not fat mass.  But I'm working on it!  There's still 3 weeks to go!  I will not give up hope.

So did I really spend RM2700 on a watch?  Heck no!  The watch costs me RM700.. so where did the other RM2000 go?  Well, not sure if you noticed.. but my blog is starting to have pictures.. YES! I bought myself a brand spanking new camera.  It's the Sony Nex F3.. and I bought it in HOT PINK.
Well of course I couldn't take a picture of my camera.. but that's exactly what I go.. and it's the same camera that AlanHarperIsMyIdol bought for CryptKeeper for her birthday (sorry.. almost wrote down your ages :P) I had originally planned to go with the white, but totally fell in love the pink when I saw it.  And what's even better.. I bought this too!

Yes.. It's a PINK COVER!!!!  OMG.. how cute is that!!!!!  Taken with my brand new camera.. of course!  I'm so in love with my brand new purchase.. and of course.. my RM2k came with...
  1. RM100 gift voucher off any lenses and accessories from Sony
  2. RM10 gift voucher from Parkson
  3. Sony carry case (it was huge so I bought the pink one)
  4. 8GB memory card
Don't cha just love a bargain?

I made another pact now.. that this is the last purchase I do before going to America.  But I'm going to break that pact before I even started, because I'm going to KL for the Tatler Ball, and I need to purchase air tickets, hotel rooms.. not to mention pay for a hair wash and makeup artist!  Why oh why can't I seem to save money?

I can totally see how shopaholism is a mental disease.. I can't seem to break out of the cycle.. and I guess shopping replaces the void that's caused by stuff.. it gives me a sense of achievement!

But as with my weight loss agenda, I must persevere and JUST DO IT!  I will NOT buy anything until I go to America.. and by that, I mean tangible goods that I get to keep.. unlike Air Tickets and Hotel Rooms.

By the way.. wanna see the dress I'm trying to fit in? :D
Not sure if you can make it out.. don't worry.. I'll definitely have pictures of me wearing it (if I manage to lose the fat) and to make it even better.. my pink camera case matches my dress :D

Ahhh.. everything is falling into place... 



  1. Pretty dress!

    Hey, is your cam cover made out of leather? Damn, that looks exactly like the lauchien two-pieced one I wanted to buy but they didn't have the one that fit our new model in Melb yet (why so kuno???) But thank goodness too, cos it was bloody ripoff and overpriced - how much did you buy it for, just out of curiosity???

    Hehe ya I saw the white camera in the store - cute too - reminds me of apple merchandise :)

    1. Yup, it's made out of leather, and it's not a two piece.. it's just one and it's the perfect fit for the camera. It only costs RM139!! BARGAIN!

      Hehe.. I figured if I was to carry a pink camera.. I wouldn't miss it and leave it somewhere cos it's so eye catching!

    2. So it's different... but totally cute, and works out cheaper than my pouch too. Dang!

      Know what's the best way not to leave your cam? Attach the straps and wear it around your neck - that's what I did... and when you're not using make sure u store in your bag!

    3. hahaha.. yah.. wear it like a total tourist.. that's what I'm gonna do from now on >.<

  2. Don't you think those camera cases really look like the front of budgie smugglers? Why didnt you get yellow one to remind you of what you saw in Greece? Mwah ha ha...

    1. ROFL.. shoulda taken a picture to treat you all to that very special image.
