Wednesday 26 September 2012


I am very naive, I think I place too much trust in the fact that all people on this world is good.. unless of course if you have a criminal history, or you're a dodgy homeless person..etc etc..
What drama have I gotten myself into this time?  If you only knew...

So one of the equipment I needed was a frozen yogurt maker right.. and I've been searching online on where to get it etc.. and I found it selling on .. the exact brand and item I was looking for.. omg.. I was so happy.. I emailed the guy asking information on it, he replied.. he seemed genuine.. all in all, the Cuisinart Frozen Yogurt maker was going to cost me RM450 (RM380 for the maker and RM70 for shipping and processing).. Kinda worth it.. after all, it costs USD$90 for the same thing in USA.. figured they'll up the costs for a little profit etc..

Anyway, I debited the amount into the bank account given (Dodgy No. 1) and it took 2 days for the money to show in their account.  The minute they got it on 24th September, they sent the item to me and sent me the consignment form showing that it's been sent via IPost (Dodgy No. 2).  Never mind, as long as I get it right?

26th September I received an email from the sales representative, saying that their warehouse shipped the wrong things.. Instead of the one Cuisinart Frozen Yogurt Maker, they sent 2 AND another 2 ice cream maker worth USD1000 each... stupid right?  How can they make such a huge mistake like this?  What's worst.. is that he asked me for 50% upfront downpayment to release the package from the courier in KL (he'd called ahead to ask them to stop sending the package).. okay.. FIRST OF ALL.. why on earth should I pay for something that I didn't order.. SECOND OF ALL.. why on earth should I pay for your mistake?  Being nice, I asked him what 50% was.. RM3000.. OH HELL NO.. I am NOT coughing up RM3k to pay for something that has nothing to do with me.  I told him that, and he started getting desperate, saying he'll lose his job for this mistake... NOT MY PROBLEM.. 

So in a bid to correct all this hoohah.. I asked for the courier number so I can call and ask them to send the items BACK to the warehouse.. at THEIR OWN COST.. courier guy answered.. he sounded Japanese (Dodgy No. 3) and said that the Sender has to call and arrange it.  FINE.. so I emailed the bloody Huan back and told him to call.. to which he replied that the courier cannot send the item back to them as I am the recipient.. (Dodgy No. 4).. they're the sender.. don't they have rights to the item?

So fine.. I emailed them back saying I'll give them RM1 for the item.. will that satisfy them?  After all, it's meant to be a 'deposit' and the representative will come and collect the items from me immediately and give me back the money.. does it really matter how much deposit I give them?  I have already given them my word.. that I don't want the 3 items.. that I will gladly give it back to them.

I think my final message to them should be "If you don't solve this and I don't receive my yogurt maker by 5th October 2012, I have no choice but to take you to court."  HAH!

Let's see how this will pan out over the day...


  1. Wow... Welcome to the country of dodge! Thank goodness you know enough not to give in to his pleading and send the money! I wouldn't deposit anything anymore! The fact that they can stop the courier from shipping the stuff to you means they have power! Next time try Haha

  2. OMG! I am so appalled! Ask you to pay 3k? NO FRIGGIN' WAY MAN! I have no doubt in my mind he'll take the money and run. Sososo dodgy. I agree with Princess Bling - do not deposit any more money! Though the RM1 deposit was bloody hilarious! XD If he doesnt shape up, you should totally threaten to take him to court! And demand a full refund. :p

    1. He gave me two options in his last email..
      1) Cancel your order and get 45% refund (that's the only way the courier will send the package back to him) and then pay ANOTHER 55% for the item to be resent
      2) He will pay 1200 and I top up 1800 = 3000

      I told him "that's highway robbery and I think you are doing something illegal here"

  3. Update! Have spoken to lawyers, and threatened to lodge a police report and take him to consumer court if I don't receive my original order by 5th October 2012..

    1. So he's gone silent after my threat.. wonder what that means?

    2. He got fired... For crapping in his pants.

    3. Lol.. I hope I still get my package..

  4. I should name names here..
    It's Trading Point Plaza Sdn Bhd! AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!!

  5. Update...
    It worked! They have released the package to me without me paying an additional cent.. now to have them collect the items away from my house.. I'll divert them to the office :)
